Layi Egbeyemi

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since Oct 08, 2003
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Recent posts by Layi Egbeyemi

Hi Jmannu,

I don't see ....../servlet-api.jar!!!
Yeah, and what's this '<anonynous> user' business??
20 years ago
Thanks Ashish, it helped but not in the way I expected. First of all, as Rajeev suggested to Subramaniam, I had already granted method permission to everyone for all methods in my specified EJB(CabinEJB) before I encountered the access violation exception. I could only solve this by specifying my method-permission as 'unchecked'. This finally worked but as we know that is not good in a production environment. Perhaps you could throw more light on this pls??? Thanks
20 years ago
Hi, I hope can get some help to what I believe should be an elementary problem. I've created an entity bean that has been deployed(finally!) successfully. But when I try to access it "CabinRemote cab_1 = home.create(new Integer(1));", I get an exception thrown "java.rmi.AccessException: [EJB:010160]Security Violation: User: '<anonymous>' has insufficient permission to access EJB: type=<ejb>, application=cabin, module=cabin, ejb=CabinEJB, method=create, methodInterface=Home, signature={java.lang.Integer}." Pls help as I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm not sure where this security violation is occuring, at EJB level or Server level...
20 years ago
Hi pan, got the same problem myself. The answer is u have to add weblogic.jar to your path. It's found at "install_path"\server\lib\weblogic.jar. Hope it solves your problem. Then you can get to my problem to which I'm still searching for an answer!!
20 years ago
Hi there, had the same problem when i first installed tomcat on my machine. It turned out that port 8080 had already been claimed by another application. Ironically that app was an Apache Http server installed by default when intalling Oracle(which i also have installed). First things first, confirm that u don't have another app laying claim to 8080. Best thing to do is open up CATALINA_HOME\conf\server.xml. Look for where your connector is defined on port 8080 and change this to something else(I used my girlfriend's year of birth. Can't 4get dat else am dead!) save. shutdown and restart. should b ok. cheers
20 years ago
Hi there, go then get in touch and lets have a look
[email protected]
21 years ago
Hi Satish,I think i can understand ur confusion. U have got them in the wrong context. U shouldn't be comparing primitives and literals. Primitives are the fundamental datatypes that are used to hold data in programs along with object(reference) datatypes ok? Together we can call them variables. Now a Literal "is used to assign values to variables". This variable maybe "a primitive" eg int i = 5; or "a reference" eg Integer i = new Integer("5"); type. In both cases 5 is a literal. In the first case we have a primitive i whose value is 5 and in the second case we a wrapper i whose value again is 5. A bit clearer??