David Koontz

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since Oct 08, 2003
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Recent posts by David Koontz

I have some good news - my example is now working!!!

I can't say what the "connection time out" issue root cause was, I know other people have had similar exceptions.

Here's some of the things I found wrong in my code:

* typos in the application.xml in the DOCTYPE line

* typos in XDoclet Packaging Configuration for FiboEJB.jar the folder "/Tutorial/bin" has include filter: "tutorial/ejb/*.classes, tutorial/interfaces/*.class"
I had "ejd" - close but no cigar!

* checking the FiboEJB.jar - it was missing the FiboBean.class - DUH!

I'm not real sure but I also used the XDoclet Standard Configuration for EJBs - on the popup menu when you add a XDoclet configuration. These add in a large set of XDoclet processes/task that are not included in the Tutorial's config - I removed these (even though they were blank) these default sets of task may have create some issues for me.

Hope this help someone else...
20 years ago
I have some good news - my example is now working!!!

Here's some of the things I found wrong in my code:

* typos in the application.xml in the DOCTYPE line

* typos in XDoclet Packaging Configuration for FiboEJB.jar the folder "/Tutorial/bin" has include filter: "tutorial/ejb/*.classes, tutorial/interfaces/*.class"
I had "ejd" - close but no cigar!

* checking the FiboEJB.jar - it was missing the FiboBean.class - DUH!

I'm not real sure but I also used the XDoclet Standard Configuration for EJBs - on the popup menu when you add a XDoclet configuration. These add in a large set of XDoclet processes/task that are not included in the Tutorial's config - I removed these (even though they were blank) these default sets of task may have create some issues for me.

Hope this help someone else...
20 years ago
Has anyone been sucessful with the Tutorial example?

It guides you through XDoclet creation of a simple EJB and deploys it on JBoss via the Eclipse plugin (JBoss-IDE) see:

I've created the FiboBean EJB EAR and deployed to JBoss 3.2.3 but get this JBoss DeploymentException: connection timed out:

10:52:37,204 ERROR [MainDeployer] Could not initialise deloyment: file:/E:/JBOSS/jboss-3.2.3/server/default/deploy/FiboAPP.ear
org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Connection timed out: connect; - nested throwable: (java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect)
at org.jboss.metadata.XmlFileLoader.getDocument(XmlFileLoader.java:316)

I'm guessing that something is not configured in the EAR properly but the exception doesn't help me much.

Does anyone have a working FiboBean.EAR (source) that I could compare to mine maybe that would show me the errors of my ways.

20 years ago

I'm going through the JBoss-IDE 1.3.0 Tutorial Guide for Eclipse (3.0.1) and JBoss 3.2.3. I've built the source and now am deploying to JBoss.

But JBoss gives me this error: ( see below for stack trace)

Can anyone help me with this?

20 years ago
perhaps I've found the free docs you've refered to:

One must be a registered "MemberPlus" of the JBOSS site: http://www.jboss.com/docs/index to have access to the html docs

They state in Chapter 5 http://docs.jboss.org/admin-devel/Chap5.html#0_51484

If an EJB does not provide a container configuration specification in the deployment unit ejb-jar, the container factory chooses a container configuration from the standardjboss.xml descriptor based on the type of the EJB. So, in reality there is an implicit configuration-name element for every type of EJB, and the mappings from the EJB type to default container configuration name are as follows:

  • container-managed persistence entity version 2.0 = Standard CMP 2.x EntityBean
  • container-managed persistence entity version 1.1 = Standard CMP EntityBean
  • bean-managed persistence entity = Standard BMP EntityBean
  • stateless session = Standard Stateless SessionBean
  • stateful session = Standard Stateful SessionBean
  • message driven = Standard Message Driven Bean

  • So that is the "default" mapping between a bean and the container type defined in .../conf/standardjboss.xml
    20 years ago
    Jeff - what new _free_ docs are you refering to?

    I've been looking for Jboss docs - there are hard to find, can you point me to them.

    20 years ago
    My guess is that JBoss comes out of the box with what may be called "commit option A" (that's my guess). There are three options as to how a container may handle the CMP Entity commit: A, B or C, the vendor is free to choose.

    Option A: Bean stays connected to EJBObject and assumed to be in sync.
    (no ejbActivate & no ejbLoad)
    Option B: Bean stays connected but not in sync.
    ( no ejbActivate - but ejbLoad will be called)
    Option C: Bean is disconnected from EJBObject and goes back to pool.
    (ejbActivate & ejbLoad are both called)

    You can tune JBoss via .../conf/standardjboss.xml search for <commit-option>

    One can experience this by getting an Entity bean then going behind the container's back and changing the DB tables directly (SQL) and then seeing if the Entity reflects the change (I suggest just a column update).

    I'm trying to figure out how to do this (tune JBoss), how to figure out which option is current for a given Entity Bean/Deployment, etc.

    So if you know - please help me out - thanks

    20 years ago
    > Window / Customize Perspective...

    Nope! - That doesn't do it. I'm not real sure what good the customize perspective does do - but it does not let me add a 'save all' button to the toolbar. Now if you have some mighty trick to do it using this feature - please explain.

    Thanks, David
    I like the 'Save All' button on many editor toolbars, I miss it in Eclipse! How do I add the button to the toolbar?

    I see the Eclipse help 'Toolbar buttons' shows an icon for the save all button, but I never see it used. Is there a way to configure the toolbars in Eclipse? Many other IDE/editors have this feature - it sure would be nice with Eclipse - but how?
    Oh - it handles this:
    n = new TelephoneNumber("(888) HOLY COW");
    prints the #s or alpha & #s
    21 years ago
    Perhaps my solution is not as effecient, however...
    Just submitted a class TelephoneNumber to do phone formating to
    The TelephoneNumber class represents a US telephone number.
    This class contains many constructors for various uses. It then stores the telephone number internally in seperate codes (area code, exchange, etc.). This encourages
    use of the format method to output the telephone number in any style the programmer wishes.
    [needs i18n work]
    Example usage:
    long number = 8005551212L;
    TelephoneNumber phone = new TelephoneNumber(number);
    StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer("Call me at ");
    // msg is now "Call me at (800) 555-1212"
    21 years ago
    Just submitted a class TelephoneNumber to do phone formating to
    -- snip --
    The TelephoneNumber class represents a US telephone number.
    This class contains many constructors for various uses. It then stores the telephone number internally in seperate codes (area code, exchange, etc.). This encourages
    use of the format method to output the telephone number in any style the programmer wishes.
    [needs i18n work]
    Example usage:
    long number = 8005551212L;
    TelephoneNumber phone = new TelephoneNumber(number);
    StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer("Call me at ");
    // msg is now "Call me at (800) 555-1212"
    21 years ago
    Thanks for the input... maybe an example will help. Here the code for my extended DecimalFormat class.
    The Overpunch format is used in the health care industry EDI - looks like some old cobol programmers designed the spec...
    From the context of OO design - I'm thinking that it would be nice if the JavaDocs had some 'magic' way of creating a section that would lend a hand to the 'extender' of a class. It's taken me quite a while to extend DecimalFormat and I've yet to figure out if I've done a good job. Yea, one day real soon now I'm going to write those JUnit test...
    21 years ago
    Are there any guidelines someone could give me for sub-classing a Class that I don't have the source to... an opaque class.
    For example: I want to subclass the DecimalFormat Class - I dont know much about it's methods and internal workings. It has 3 const'r & about 30 methods, then it's parent class NumberFormat...
    It also interacts with the classes FieldPosition, ParsPosition & StringBuffer in ways that may appear obvious - but I don't know the exact rules - and this is what wories me.
    For my subclass to be well conceived and a 'good' class it needs to follow the same "rules" on the interaction (side-effects) with these classes it interacts with. Since there are no formal documented interactions between these classes - I'll be guessing - or is there a way to infer the knowledge I need?
    Maybe Sun/Javadoc could come up with a way to formalize what a 'extender' of a class would need to know - just dreaming.
    But are there any generalization one could make?
    Thanks, David
    21 years ago