Hi All,
I have successfully passed the exam with 89%.
I am gutted not to have got the 90 mark, but I am happy. Thanks to all the java ranchers and the forum itself is great and get all the doubts cleared even without asking them myself.
Books read: HFSJ once and revised quickly second time.
Thanks Brian, Kathy, Bert for such a good book, wish there was one for SCEA as well which more focussed on the exam, though there the HF Design Patterns it is not focused on the SCEA objectives.
Mock Exams:
-Whizlabs Simulator, helped a lot to focus.
-JavaRanch's mock.
I did not read any notes nor did I make any.
I was surprise that I had 80 questions on my exam, with Sun giving a notice saying that 10 will not be marked as they are for statistics and was given 40 extra minutes, but the final score mentioned the answers out of 80, which might mean that the 10 were also marked!!

Moreover i was expecting 69 questions and not 70 so where does the other one go? Does anybody out there know how these are marked?
Next step:
Not sure but may take SCEA.