Vankipuram Padmanaban

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since Oct 15, 2003
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Recent posts by Vankipuram Padmanaban

Rashmi & Tushar !
Thank you guys, i have been able to identify the problem and successfully created the target-jar and deployed in weblogic 6.1.
but now the problem is...
when i call the EJB from client, iam getting this...
D:\javaPrac>java HelloClient
Unable to resolve slsb.HelloHome Resolved: '' Unresolved:'slsb'
please help!!!
Vankipuram padmanaban
[ December 29, 2003: Message edited by: Vankipuram Padmanaban ]
hi Rashmi
thanks for your reply.
but i have already given the fully qualified name.
The <ejb-class> name of the bean in my ejb-jar.xml is "slsb.HelloHome".
where slsb is my package.(meaning Stateless Session Bean).
what still can i do to run the EJB.
iam getting the following errors when creating a simple EJB.
please let me know what to do. & how to deploy it when we get such error
1) I compiled all the java classes(Home, Remote & Bean classes)
D:\javaPrac>javac -d .
2) It was successful. it generated the classes & the directory SLSB.
3) I have created both (ejb-jar.xml & weblogic-ejb-jar.xml)files in META-INF & put them in SLSB.
& I created the JAR file. it was successful.
D:\javaPrac\slsb>jar -cvf gops.jar *.class META-INF
added manifest
adding: HelloBean.class(in = 708) (out= 379)(deflated 46%)
adding: HelloHome.class(in = 255) (out= 186)(deflated 27%)
adding: HelloRemote.class(in = 230) (out= 175)(deflated 23%)
ignoring entry META-INF/
adding: META-INF/ejb-jar.xml(in = 801) (out= 366)(deflated 54%)
adding: META-INF/weblogic-ejb-jar.xml(in = 364) (out= 219)(deflated 39%)
4) Iam getting the problem here, when running EJBC to create the target jar file it is throwing the following error, i have pasted all the output here..what i have to do now. ask your friends.
please iam suffering with this problem since so many days.
D:\javaPrac\slsb>java weblogic.ejbc gops.jar paddu.jar
ERROR: Error from ejbc: Unable to load a class specified in your ejb-jar.xml: slsb.HelloBean
ERROR: ejbc found errors
HI Kathy !
i learnt that in EJB 2.0 we can build a common Business-Logic in the Home Interface itself.
but i wonder as to what kind of application can be built using common Business logic?
and waht kind of functionality can be embedded in Business Logic that's common?
Yes you are right Bish, I know that.
but we deploy the target jar, using the gui-based weblogic 6.1.
what i mean to say is, you need to generate the target-jar first.
then only the deployment comes into picture(using GUI-web-based uploading interface) right?
the problem is that iam unable to produce the target-jar itself, which is throwing the errors, as shown.
Hello Friends,
i am unable to build the destination JAR, which has to be deployed in Weblogic 6.1 server.
i have built the source JAR, on which we run EJBC to get destination JAR.
viz., C:\slsb>java weblogic.ejbc HelHar.jar HelPad.jar
but when i run EJBC, iam getting the following error.
Can anybody help in this regard? Any help will be Greatly Appreciated.
C:\slsb>java weblogic.ejbc HelHar.jar HelPad.jar
ERROR: Error from ejbc: Unable to load a class specified in your ejb-jar.xml: slsb.HelloBean
ERROR: ejbc found errors
'slsb' being my folder for 'StatelessSessionBean', where my class files for HOME,REMOTE & BEAN are kept & a sub-folder called META-INF, where my XML-Deployment-files are kept(i.e. ejb-jar.xml, weblogic-ejb-jar.xml)
Padmanaban VS
Senior Software Engineer,
hi manish,
What are you using to get the JSP-Field-Value into the servlet??
Are you using 'Request.getParameter(JSP-Field-name)??
21 years ago
Hello guys,
i am unable to build the destination JAR, which has to be deployed in Weblogic 6.1 server.
i have built the source JAR, on which we run EJBC to get destination JAR.
but when i run EJBC, iam getting the following error.
Can anybody help in this regard? Any help will be Greatly Appreciated.
please Help
C:\slsb>java weblogic.ejbc HelHar.jar HelPad.jar
ERROR: Error from ejbc: Unable to load a class specified in your ejb-jar.xml: slsb.HelloBean
ERROR: ejbc found errors
'slsb' being my folder for 'StatelessSessionBean', where my class files for HOME,REMOTE & BEAN are kept & a sub-folder called META-INF, where my XML-Deployment-files are kept(i.e. ejb-jar.xml, weblogic-ejb-jar.xml)
[ October 18, 2003: Message edited by: Vankipuram Padmanaban ]
21 years ago
iam getting the following error while iam creating the "Destination-jar" from "Source-jar" using 'c:\>java weblogic.ejbc Source-jar Destination-jar'
any help in this regard will be greatly appreciated.
thanks in advance,
ERROR: Error from ejbc: Unable to load a class specified in your ejb-jar.xml: slsb.HelloBean
ERROR: ejbc found errors
(* where 'slsb' is my package indicating 'Stateless Session Bean' in which all the classes are present(viz., Home, Remote, Bean))