Madi Muthukumaran

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since Oct 16, 2003
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I am talking about this

My objective is to call the SOAP service using the java without HTTP.
13 years ago

I have a SOAP server and a service exposed in it and have a SOAP client that which works perfectly fine with the service.

Now I am working on developing a client that access this SOAP service with simple Java (Not over HTTP & no SOAP server). I was looking at the API and found that we can use JavaTransport for this purpose.

But I am struggling for the past couple of days to get his working, I couldn't find any samples or docs on how to use it.

Please help me in getting this working, any ideas, thoughts..

13 years ago

I raised the issue to the BEA support, they said that the issue is the driver that i am using. It got resolved when i tried with the BEA provided driver. They call it the BEA branded driver for SQL Server.

Thanx every one for the ur reply, i found out the solution for the issue. Instead of displaying the image using the image tag, we can directly read the image file and write it to the output stream of the response object. Following is the code sample.

String mimiMappings[] = {"application/pdf pdf PDF", "application/msword DOC doc"};
MimetypesFileTypeMap mimeType = new MimetypesFileTypeMap();

InputStream certFile = new FileInputStream(new File("ImageFile.jpg"));
OutputStream respOutStream = response.getOutputStream();

// Transfer bytes from in to out
byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
int len;
while ((len = > 0)
respOutStream.write(buf, 0, len);

18 years ago

I have problem with the transaction attribute of my session bean in Weblogic8.1 and SQLServer. Following is the description.

I have two beans, say SampleBeanOne and SampleBeanTwo. The transaction attribute of SampleBeanOne is "Required" and that of the SampleBeanTwo is "RequiresNew".

In SampleBeanOne i am trying the execute the a batch of insert quires using PreparedStatement.addBach() and PreparedStatement.executBatch() in a loop that runs of 5 times.

Inside the loop i am calling a method in SampleBeanTwo to get the next sequence. In that method i am updating the squence and selecting the new value.

Now the problem i am facing is that when i call the executeBatch() in the PreparedStatement only the final insert statement added to the batch is called and the insert statement added gets vanished.

If i change the transaction attribute of the SampleBeanTwo to "Required" the code is working fine. But i can't do that since the SampleBeanTwo is accessed throught out my application.

The same peace of code is working properly with Websphere5 and SQL server combination.

Kindly help me out in this issue.


ThanX for your reply,

I tried in Websphere 5.2, actually my application will in the form of a war file (Sample.war), so when i deployed it, it will be extracted in the <<websphere_Installation_folder>>\installedapps\nodename\Sample.war.
After i deployed i went there and created a shortcut to the mage folder in F driver. But it is not working.

I tried your option but it's not working. When i try to access image from the browser, i am getting "HTTP 404" error.

Is there any other way to that.

18 years ago

I am in need of help from you guys, it's very very urgent.

I will try to explain the problem. I have images stored in my server hard disk say (C:\AllImages). No I need to display the images in my web page, using the <img src=""> tag.

Now the problem is that the application server is in different folder say (F , now how will I give the relative path for the images stored in the C:

Is there any way to implement this thing. Kindly reply as soon as possible.

I deploy my application as a war, the app server can be Weblogic, Jboss, was.

ThanX in advance.

18 years ago
I just have a long string and i want to make a integer of fixed length from that string, i thought of using hashcode() method to get the integer, but the hashcode will not be unique, can one tell me how can i convert the string to UNIQUE FIXED LENGTH INTEGER.
Thaning you
M. Muthu
21 years ago
UIMSBF - Unsigned Integer Most Significent Bit First
Can may one help to convert a 8 bit and 16 bit uimsbf value to java int type
21 years ago
ThanX a lot for ur reply
I am not exactly sure that I have to use the Proxy class that what introduced in JDK1.3, but I will tell what I need to do, so if u can give me an idea to implement that.
I have to write a class that delegates all the operations on it to another class. I need to do this because only at run-time I will not the class that I have to use. So, the proxy class I am talking about have get the class name at run-time and needs to delegate all the operations invoked on it to other class got at run-time.
By the word operation I mean constructor, method class etc.,
21 years ago
I just want to creat a Proxy class for a another class. Can any one help me out.
Thank you
21 years ago