debbie shifferd

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Recent posts by debbie shifferd

Weblogic 8.1
MVC Framework
Controller Servlet is called AppDispatch
which loads at startup and reads the appconfig.xml file and puts the action names into a HashTable for later use.

Section of appconfig.xml looks like this:

Navigating through the website, this call works fine and displays next jsp page:

However, this call is failing with HTTP 500 "Page cannot be displayed"

The exact same code works perfectly on my Windows pc (I do not get the HTTP error and I do get my ShippingInfo.jsp page), but I compile this application into an ear file and put it on our Sun server, it doesn't work.
I've seen something similar before where I was naming something in appconfig.xml with upper/lower case combo that didn't exactly match the actual file name; but this is not the case for this problem. I have checked and rechecked and the name of the jsp file is: ShippingInfo.jsp

There are no errors being thrown to the log. Just wondering if anybody has any suggestions for debugging this problem?

Also, I have confirmed via the logs that action "shippinginfo" does load when the server starts up.
In the beginning of the method rowsUpdated is defined as follows:

int rowsUpdated = -1;
Using Oracle db and Weblogic 8.1 server

It's one of those problems where I can't see anything wrong with the code, but its not updating the table and its not throwing an exception either.

Here's the code:

As I watch the flow of the code in the console log, I know the code executes:

rowsUpdated = daoUtil.executeSQL(qryUpdateMDRequestHeader, params);

Right before that line, I print out the query and the params:
qryUpdateMDRequestHeader = update md_request_hdr set auth_user_id=?, auth_date=?, additional_instructions=?, pickup_inst
ructions=?, req_pickup_date=? where customer_id=? and tracking_number=? params = v050754 09/04/2006 08:58:30 None None
09/11/2006 VzEast MD5127357

I had print lines in the executeSQl as well and know it was reaching there as well.

What I do not see is the executeSQL line " System.out.println("modified rows " + retValue);"

Nor do I ever see the "ERROR" line printout. I had also added a line to the finally of the executeSQL to print out rowsUpdated which equalled -1.

Yet the code keeps going, never throws an exception and continues the rest of the processing.

I've copied and pasted the sql into Golden32 (oracle sql program) and the query runs find with the params passed and updates the table.

Any thoughts at all as to either how I can troubleshoot this or what may be occurring?

[added code tags]
[ September 04, 2006: Message edited by: Jeanne Boyarsky ]

We are in the process of rewriting some of our java project classes. And I was testing one using Workshop's debug mode and a calling class with a main(). As I step through the code, when Workshop IDE gets to this line:
private Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();

I get a pop-up box saying "File not found. could not find a file for class java.lang.Float. Would you like to.."

This has got me scratching me head. What does a Float have to do with instantiating a Hashtable?
18 years ago
We are creating XML strings in an app on a Weblogic 7 server that we send to another server that runs webMethods. We are receiving an ACK code of 3 when we send the webMethods server XML that contains:
<DESCRIPTN>Rack & Stack packing material</DESCRIPTN>

There are several other places in our application where we send this same server XML that contains & within a tag with no problem. I have compared my code to the other code and cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.

I can step through the webMethods piece because we save the inbound pipeline. I can see where the variable xmldata contains the entire XML doc up until the &

webMethods shows in the pipeline that it has an unknown object with a name and value pair of name= & Stack packing material
value = null

My code within Weblogic:

url_str = vo.getCustomerUrl();
if (url_str == null) {
throw new COIException("url str is missing");
url = new URL(url_str);
urlConn = url.openConnection();
xml_docs = "xmldata="+xml_docs; //xml_docs has already been created
if(("0").equals(xml_obj.sendXML(xml_docs, urlc))){
System.out.println("send XML docs successfully----");

public String sendXML(String XMLDocs, URLConnection urlc) throws COIException{

PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( urlc.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8" ));
... and then we handle the ack .... which is not causing a problem

Would anyone know what else I need to add to my code so that the & does not cause a problem?
We've got an app that runs on a Weblogic 7 server. We use classes that implement Runnable to create threads when the app is first brought up that stay resident (sleeping) until it is time to wake up.

When they wake up each morning, they execute a method to determine if it is time to run. And this is the method that has an Oracle update sql in it that looks to me like it should never work and yet somehow it does.

// the job kicks off


public static int HasBatchStarted(String batch_str){

Connection con = null;
Statement stmt = null;
String sql_str = new StringBuffer().
append("update config ").
append("set value = (to_char(sysdate, 'mm/dd/yyyy:hh24:mi:ss')) ").
append("where rowid = (select rowid from config where ").
append("name='").append(batch_str).append("') ").
append("and trunc(sysdate)!=trunc(to_date(value)) ").toString();

con = CoiDbConnection.getConnection();
stmt = con.createStatement();
return stmt.executeUpdate( sql_str.toString() );

It would seem to me that this method would never return a 1 because the
trunc(sysdate) is always going to equal the trunc(to_date(value)).

Can anyone tell me what I am missing here?
19 years ago
We use Weblogic Server 8.1 SP4 on Sun Solaris. Typically, to install an upgrade to our web app - we bring Weblogic down, remove old package, install new package (via System V packaging pkgadd command), and restart Weblogic Server. Then once WLS is up, we test.

Last couple of installs, we have had to manually clear out the WLS cache files because WLS is serving up old pages instead of picking up the changes in our newly installed ear file.

We have never had to login to WLS console and hit redeploy button or anything else like that. It is our understanding that WLS should pick up the changes when you bounce it.

Are our assumptions wrong? Has anybody else had this problem and know why this is happening?
19 years ago
How would you go about measuring the transaction size per transaction in a Weblogic environment?

Example: user logs on to a portal server that is in New York. The portal allows authorized users to access an application on a server in Sacramento. So the transactions are flowing back and forth on a network between NY and Sacramento. Depending on what the user selects, obviously various sizes of data are being transmitted back and forth through the network to reach the user. But how much data per transaction?

The reason I want to know this is because "network" folks at our company don't like high traffic volumes going through their WAN. So, I have to provide transaction sizes and volumes for them in order to get their seal of approval.

And please do not suggest that I move my servers to New York because that's not going to happen.

I would appreciate any thoughts on how to calculate an average transaction size in say kilobytes, etc. Thanks!
19 years ago
The good news is that the following did work:
TextFileIn in = new TextFileIn("C:\\JavaExercises\\names.txt");
Thanks to all of you
21 years ago
I had tried that already and it creates a checked exception. "illegal escape character".
21 years ago
I am getting a FileNotFoundException when I execute SortNames. The problem is that the file is there.
I have both the source file and the "names.txt" in a directory called,
I am executing the following code:
TextFileIn in = new TextFileIn("names.txt");
boolean done = false ;
while ( ! done ) {
String s = in.readLine();
if ( s == null ) {
done = true ;
else {
System.out.println( s );
The "names.txt" file is notmarked "read only". I don't know why the program can't find the file. Any suggestions?
21 years ago