Using Oracle db and Weblogic 8.1 server
It's one of those problems where I can't see anything wrong with the code, but its not updating the table and its not throwing an exception either.
Here's the code:
As I watch the flow of the code in the console log, I know the code executes:
rowsUpdated = daoUtil.executeSQL(qryUpdateMDRequestHeader, params);
Right before that line, I print out the query and the params:
qryUpdateMDRequestHeader = update md_request_hdr set auth_user_id=?, auth_date=?, additional_instructions=?, pickup_inst
ructions=?, req_pickup_date=? where customer_id=? and tracking_number=? params = v050754 09/04/2006 08:58:30 None None
09/11/2006 VzEast MD5127357
I had print lines in the executeSQl as well and know it was reaching there as well.
What I do not see is the executeSQL line " System.out.println("modified rows " + retValue);"
Nor do I ever see the "ERROR" line printout. I had also added a line to the finally of the executeSQL to print out rowsUpdated which equalled -1.
Yet the code keeps going, never throws an exception and continues the rest of the processing.
I've copied and pasted the sql into Golden32 (oracle sql program) and the query runs find with the params passed and updates the table.
Any thoughts at all as to either how I can troubleshoot this or what may be occurring?
[added code tags]
[ September 04, 2006: Message edited by: Jeanne Boyarsky ]