Harwinder Bhatia

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since Oct 17, 2003
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Recent posts by Harwinder Bhatia

Hi Kathy
I saw an UK and an Indian edition of "Head First Servlets & JSP" on one of the Indian online book stores (The UK edition carries the same ISBN code as the one which is "to be released" in the US). Is this UK edition for the 1.4 version of the SCWCD exam?
Thanks Sagarika and Vivek.
And thanks a lot Thomas for your wonderful site.
21 years ago
Good score !! Congrats Lakshmi !! Let's celebrate
21 years ago
I took the exam just 4 days back and I can tell you that there was a question in the exam with one of the "incorrect" options mentioning the interrupt method. But since I knew the no. of correct choices and I was very confident on the correct ones, I didn't bother much about the "interrupt" one. Btw, I had a brief idea of how interrupt works.
Hope that helps.
Hello Mr. Khalid
I have the "Indian" print of your book for version 1.2. I had bought it in April this year when I was in India. The price of the brand new book was Rs. 270 ( < $6). I think this book is good enough for the 1.4 exam if we could download the upgrade chapters and the latest exam engine from your website.
The book helped me a lot in my exam.
Does it only give 10 free questions for the SCJP 1.4 exam ?
I'm done with my exam but I could get only 10 questions when I tried it before my exam. Just curious.
Hey Sagarika
Congratulations !! 85% is a good score and don't try to undermine your achievement. You should not just feel 'ok' but should be really happy.
Good luck to you for future.
21 years ago
Hello Sagarika
Shift operators used to be my weak area and I took it up as a challenge and put lot of effort into it and it became one of my favorite topics
But strangely enough, I can't recall any question on shift operators in my exam Even if there was one, it couldn't be anything out of ordinary.
Do you remember any in yours ?
[ December 17, 2003: Message edited by: Harwinder Bhatia ]
21 years ago
Thanks Vish/Vishy/Mohit/Sagarika.
Mohit, it's so easy to miss a question or two out of 61. It doesn't mean you didn't know the answer. I'm sure if I take the same test again with the exact same set of questions, I may not be able to get the same score. We need a certain element of luck and probably I was a bit lucky on that day I think we should just celebrate that we've passed and forget about the score now !!!
21 years ago
Hey Mohit
Fantastic score
You really deserve it !!
Good luck for your future ventures.
21 years ago
Well, there are other shops. Since you have internet access, you can order it online. If you are in the US, then there are zillion websites but if you are in India, you could try www.firstandsecond.com . Last I checked, they had that book available and there isn't much difference difference in price online or from a bookstore.
And yeah, make sure you order the Indian print (probably Rs.400-500) compared to the US print (~Rs.2500). They have both.
(Ummmm ... you could order the US print, if you have lots and lots of money and don't believe in charities ).
[ December 16, 2003: Message edited by: Harwinder Bhatia ]
Hey Marlene ! Thanks a lot.
I'll keep you posted and hope to stay in touch.
Btw, I forgot to acknowledge Marcus Green for his wonderful set of exam questions, especially www.examulator.com, which I had been visiting quite regularly for the past 3 months or so. Thanks Marcus !
[ December 16, 2003: Message edited by: Harwinder Bhatia ]
21 years ago
Hi Ko Ko
Thanks for your generous comments.
I think if you get both the books + Dan Chisholm's mock exams + access to Java Ranch + other free mocks, you are pretty well covered. There are endless resources available for this exam but you need to draw a line somewhere.
Hello Sandhya
Since you have Mr. Khalid's book, I would really recommend working through all of Dan Chisholm exams. They are laid out based upon the chapters from this book. It would probably take you about 2-3 weeks just to do all the 570 odd questions on his website but it would definitely boost your score by 10-20% ... trust me on this.
And don't get discouraged even if you don't do too well on his exam. A score of 50% on his exams is good too.
Link to Dan's website:
And of course, all the best to you for the exam !
[ December 16, 2003: Message edited by: Harwinder Bhatia ]