Terry Martinson

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Dieskun -


20 years ago
Nicholas -
Struts Validation and Tiles are not covered in Head First. Head First has only an extremely high level view of Struts, which is perfectly appropriate for the focus of that book.

I have worked a lot with Struts and if you are interested in Struts books, my recommendations are:
1. Struts in Action by Ted Husted
2. Struts Survival Guide by Srikanth Shenoy (Be aware that this book has grammar/spelling errors all over the place. The information is great though if you can keep from getting frustrated about the use of English.)

Thanks Bert and Cheng. Now it all makes sense.
I did submit this out at the errata site late last week.

The book you have is a great book for the original exam - it is what I used. However, if I were getting ready to take the exam now, I would choose the current exam. My reasoning would be that I would rather have a more current certification.

There are some differences in the objectives - i.e. some topics are in the new exam that would not be covered in your book (JSTL, etc. ... I don't know the specifics). Just check out the differences in the objectives out on the Sun site.

If money is not an issue, I would suggest getting the Head First book and taking the new exam.

I am reading through the Head First book for fun ( :roll: ) but do not plan to spend the money to upgrade at this time. The book is great!

Good luck!

I'm still a bit confused. So, in the situation listed, can Admin role invoke any HTTP methods?

M -
You may already know this, but the Deshmukh book is structured specifically for the old version of the SCWCD exam and doesn't cover some of the topics that are on the current version of the exam.

The book Pallavi suggests above is for the current version of the exam and covers all topics. This book also uses many good approaches to make the info stick in your mind. I used the Head First book for the SCBCD exam and the book really made the info stick for me. And I had no real-world EJB experience.

Good luck!

I am confused about something on p. 660 of the Head First book.
Here is the security constraint they are working with:



At the bottom right of the page it says "We left off <http-method> so that NO HTTP Methods are accessible to anyone except Admins."

But if you look back on p. 634, it says on the comment at bottom right:
"If there were NO <http-method> elements in the <web-resource-collection>, it would mean that NO HTTP Methods are allowed, by ANYONE in any role."

I may be missing something here, but I thought that leaving them out would mean NO methods allowed for anyone.
(I checked in the errata and didn't see anything on this.)

Thoughts anyone???

I feel very sad to hear this.
Phil will be greatly missed!

My thoughts and prayers go out to his family.

20 years ago
Leandro -
Nice job!

20 years ago
Emma - I think you are right and that it is a typo. The statement is not true (and thus not one of the answers) because it can also be used by local clients. It's just the explanation comment that seems wrong.

[ September 22, 2004: Message edited by: Terry Martinson ]
sudh -
I did not take either the upgrade or the regular 1.4 test. I plan to stick with my 1.3 certification for now.

I just can't justify the time to prepare and I'm a bit burned out on certifications right now.

Congrats Gaurav!

20 years ago
Ronald -
Here is the Amazon link to the Head First Servlets & JSP book

Good luck!

Shawn -
It is the Sun Certified Web Component Developer certification that has been upgraded to 1.4, not the Business Component Developer certification.

So, for SCBCD stick with 1.3.