Mike Firkser

Ranch Hand
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since Oct 21, 2003
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IT Professional since 1997 - Doing Java since 2003.
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New Jersey, USA
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Recent posts by Mike Firkser

We are in the process of redesigning our application. One of the ideas that has come up is using a separate server for certain time/resource consuming operations, such as running on demand reports. I haven't found anything on the Internet that addresses this. Has anybody out there any experience with this and/or can point me in the right direction where to find guidance on this.

Thank you in advance for any help.
9 years ago
I hope this is the right forum for this, but can a view be used like a table when using Persistence?
9 years ago
I have a DOJO FilteringSelect that is populated by a QueryReadStore. As there are a few hundred possible entries in this drop down, we only show the first 25 that fit the input from the user. This is fine when the page creates a new record, and the user types in data into the FilteringSelect. However, when they retrieve data for an existing I set the value and displayed valued to the FilteringSelect, but that does not trigger a refresh for the QueryReadStore. Therefore, if the value going into the FilteringSelect is not among the first 25 possible values, I get the invalid data message. The user then needs to select the FilteringSelect and do something like delete the last letter, which triggers the refresh of the QueryReadStore.

Using DOJO 1.6.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for the response.

Oh well, so much for me becoming the next great iPhone developer. At least until it's time for me to get a new laptop or PC.

11 years ago
OK, I'm weird (and not just for this following reason) - I have an iPhone 4S but my home laptop runs on Windows 7. Is there any IDE out there that will let me do iPhone programming on a Windows machine. A book I just purchased (fortunately it was used and cheap) says I can only program on a Mac.

Thanks in advance for any help.
11 years ago
When researching and writing this book, what hack suprised you the most?
11 years ago
I say an ad in trade magazine for Via Graphix - but the URL made me think that their medication was broken:

12 years ago
Congrats on the award. FIRST is a great program, my son participated in it when he was in high school.
12 years ago

It looks like we'll need to change our database to accept the larger IP values. Oh, the cost of progress.
12 years ago
I have the development environment for a J2EE web app on my machine. On the login servlet I have a call to get the IP of the user using . Using the Chrome Browser, I have no problem, it returns a nice IP Address. However, using IE, Firefox, or Safari, I get a value like this: fe80:0:0:0:80f1:b54b:7e02:e24 - This only happens when I access the app from my local machine. A co-worker tried to access the application on my machine, and it worked fine, but he had the same problem in his own environment.

Has anybody seen anything like this. This is causing problems because without this particular part of code working, I can't test in IE, Firefox, or Safari, only Chrome.

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance for any help.

12 years ago
Thank you for the response.

I don't want this to return a cursor, because this will be used with JasperReports, which doesn't seem to handle refcursors. We're just starting to use Jasper and we're figuring out how to pass it Arrays. Currently, we pass delimited strings, and have an Oracle function turn them into a table.

I'll keep plugging away using the info you gave me. Changing it to a PreparedStatement got rid of the errors I had, but now I getting " java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01008: not all variables bound ORA-06512:" so I better me setStuff methods.

Thanks again.
I'm trying to get a user defined table to be returned from an oracle function. It seems my problem is the type of out parameter I should assign. Here is the oracle function definition:

Here is my java code:

I'm having problems with cs.registerOutParameter. Depending what I put in there, either that line throws an exception ( java.sql.SQLException: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column type: <some number here>) or the execute() line throws one ( java.sql.SQLException: Invalid SQL type ) The STD_AGE_GROUP_TABLE that is returned is a table defined in Oracle.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

OK, I work in a somewhat isolated place, and I've looked at previous posts to see if I could figure out the answer to my question. I couldn't, so her it is:

Prior to receiveing the email about the authors being here at the Ranch, I had never heard of Mahout, so my obvious question is: What is Mahout and what would I use it for?


I saw in a previous post that Griffon uses Groovy. How much experitise is needed in Groovy to use Griffon, as I have absolutely no experience in Groovy (I work for a government agency, and we are quite slow to adopt new languages).

13 years ago