manish ahuja

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since Oct 23, 2003
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Recent posts by manish ahuja

Hi All,

I currently have a web service based implementation project which serves one particular business function of the client. This web service (WSDL) accommodates for all data attributes specific to that business function.
Now I want to leverage this web service functionality to other business functions which will have separate data attributes but the core business processing logic remains the same.

To rephrase I want to refactor the universal web service (current) , split and separate into multiple web services something like this

web service 1/2/3 - will represent the specific data elements pertaining to the respective business unit and deal with their specific data aggregation tasks
web service 4 - will have the central logic process common across web service 1/2/3 and will be called by them

I wanted to know your thoughts on this. If someone else has encountered similar scenarios do let know if there tried and true approaches.


12 years ago
All - I am currently working on a web service application (WSDL/SOAP).
Certain tables in our application database are populated via a back-end external process which the web service application does not govern. The xsd field names used when designing the wsdl were created to be expressive so as it is easier for the calling client to integrate with web service.

Now i have to map the xsd field names with the values in one of the external table as mentioned above. I can't do a direct mapping or use reflection as the names of wsdl xsd fields don't match with the table values. For e.g.
in the wsdl i have a field called "driverAge" whereas the corresponding match table value is "drAge". Here the driverAge is the actual age of the vehicle driver whereas the drAge is a weight associated with the age of the driver. I have to associate the two for some computations.

I want to avoid doing this matching programatically and was looking at a simple approach to do this more by convention or some sort of flexible mapping.

Let know your thoughts.

12 years ago
Vijitha - May be I am way off but my thought process was to leverage as much of the application code base as possible for the 3 different scenarios I illustrated and not have the need to spawn 3 separate applications but rather have 3 different web service wrappers sitting on top of the same application and each using it in respective ways.
There is lot of collateral in the application which can be shared across the 3 different scenarios and very few subtle differences.

This is a new application so we are open to make design changes. One approach i was thinking was to have separate controller class for each scenario and slam web service annotations on each of them and this way have 3 separate web service implementations generated out of single application code base (ear).

Hope this gives you a better picture. Thanks,
13 years ago
Can someone throw broad ideas based on practical experience or share best practices
13 years ago

Currently i am working on web service application using java. The web service caters for 3 major types one each for Property, Liability and Auto. The internal java program workflow and program logic is built in a modular fashion and shared across the 3 types down till the database queries.

Now I have a need to split each type as a separate web service like AutoWebService, PropertyWebService and LiabilityWebService.

Could you provide your thoughts on what is the best approach for this.

13 years ago
Bhanu - yes they won't change programatically

Stephan - Can you explain why not to use the constants file approach. I don't see any difference b/w this and declaring constants in the core java class itself.

External file introduces an an external dependency. Even if I go this route i mean this text file will again be bundled in the final war/ear of the application. I don't see an advantage here and having the file outside of the war/ear is ruled out.
13 years ago
Hi there,

I am working on a java application which is very computation intensive and requires lot of number crunching.
A lot of it involves using coefficients on numeric input. All these coefficients are static constant values which seldom change.

What is the best approach to map the constant values in the application.
Currently I am thinking of creating some sort of file containing all such values as final static attributes.

Let me know your thoughts.


13 years ago

I have implemented web service schema validation in our web service project. We have implemented a web service handler class, xml handler chain and added annotations in the web service class. All this works fine and I am able to see the schema validation in action.
However one question I have is how can I override the validation message which is generated out of the box. I want to provide for a more user intuitive message in the error say something like if column DOB is missing then I want to state the error message saying DOB is missing from the input rather than something cryptic in xml jargon.

Let me know your thoughts.


13 years ago

I wanted to check if anyone can post their experience working with FinalBuilder or similar tools which actually generate the an or maven build script file for java based projects.
We are evaluating usage of FinalBuilder to replace having someone master Ant or Maven for developing and managing Ant build scripts.

Let me know your thoughts.

13 years ago
I interpreted your response on "did you write your own serializer" as client side activity to serialize java to xml

On the server side I use Apache CXF framework web services. I did not write any specific serializer.
I am not understanding where can I intersperse the check and fix to make the xml payload well-formed received as part of the request

13 years ago
I don't have control over the web service consumer application side. Some web service client harness are just stringing xml payloads.

But for the ones using web service toolkits for creating web service consumer apps what information can i provide to escape such characters while they generate such payloads.
13 years ago
Ok. May be I am bit dense on this. What are the alternatives to CDATA approach
13 years ago

Is there a way to enforce CDATA usage on a web service client.

What is the best way to handle to values in the web service client payloads which contain special characters. Is there a way we can achieve this in a generic manner and applies to all potential webservice clients.

Thanks In Advance
13 years ago
Is there a way to do bottom up schema xsd validation in java

I have achieved this in top-down approach using handler.xml file and a specific validation class but was looking for an annotation option to carry this out in java 6 jax-ws webservices
13 years ago

I want to check your thoughts on web service deployment . I think this issue would be common across other type of apps too where we promote applications from development environment to integration, system, end to end, DR and finally prod environment.
As we move our deployment units the web service gets deployed on different machine with a new physical address. There are couple of clients consuming the web service app which have to make the URL change every time we promote the build to a new environment to point to the web service app in the respective new environment.

What are some best practices in this space. Let me know your thoughts.

13 years ago