ravi appala

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since Oct 26, 2003
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I think SAP consultant's are getting 70k + very easily with having 4+ years expereince. 4 years back, Java,J2EE and SAP consultants were getting almost same, now the Java consultants (even with good exp, certifications) not getting any comparative to SAP consultants?
21 years ago
SUN Certification DB:
They have launched two Certification databases. The Sun Certification I7
database manages all of your certification exams:
whereas the Assignment Watcher specifically monitors our two assignment
based exams:
You may only download and upload your assignments in the Assignment
Watcher. Furthermore, you may only view assignment comments in this
database. Only your score will appear in the Sun Certification I7 database.
Congratulations you too!
Email response from SUN regarding SUN Certification DB:
We have launched two Certification databases. The Sun Certification I7
database manages all of your certification exams:
whereas the Assignment Watcher specifically monitors our two assignment
based exams:
You may only download and upload your assignments in the Assignment
Watcher. Furthermore, you may only view assignment comments in this
database. Only your score will appear in the Sun Certification I7 database.
Hi All,
I am glad to inform you all that I passed SCEA with 79%. Here is my below score comments. Please notice that they have two databases to view the result.
Test: Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition Technology Part II (310-061)
Date Taken: 2003-12-11 08:23:02.327
Registration Number: jc2dtt5094
Site: nc58
Grade: P
Score: 79
Comment: This report shows the total points that could have been awarded in each section and the actual amount of points you were awarded. This information is provided in order to give you feedback on your relative strengths on a section basis. The maximum number of points you could have received is 100, minimum to pass is 70. Class Diagram (44 maximum) .......................... 29 Component Diagram (44 maximum) ...................... 44 Sequence/Colloboration Diagrams (12 maximum) ........ 6
Email response from SUN regarding SUN Certification DB:
We have launched two Certification databases. The Sun Certification I7
database manages all of your certification exams:
whereas the Assignment Watcher specifically monitors our two assignment
based exams:
You may only download and upload your assignments in the Assignment
Watcher. Furthermore, you may only view assignment comments in this
database. Only your score will appear in the Sun Certification I7 database.
Thanks for all your help and sharing information! One big stone fell off from my head! I passed SCEA in Apr 2001, submitted assignment after more than 2 years Nov 11th 2003, got score to day Dec 11th 2003!
Thanks again!
Ravi Appala
Bea Weblogic Admin, SCJP,SCJD,SCEA
Hi All,
It is not to discourage, just curious to know your thoughts and experience after got certified SCEA, any change in your career? I am watching job market, billing rate for J2EE is coming down, JOB market is demanding more than J2EE expertise/experience, especially EAI experience,ERP experiences?
21 years ago
Can you tell us when u have submitted and when did u take part-3?
Business Delegate takes care of how to delegate the reuqest to the next tier/system. So the Business Delegate will have logic to itegrate with another tier, all the implementation would go into one business delegate. All the Business delegate methods will be called from withing the tier. If ther is any change between those, it will be done in business delegate only, not all the individual calls. Look at petstore, try to understand how it is being applied.
I think to help your evaluation by SUN, it is adviced to upload assignment and appear exam(could be same day). SUN/Prometric will enable your rights to upload assignment, so don't worry, they resond quick.
Did you also contact - [email protected] ?
Time is more than enough. Try to look at your design and remember the core architecture, this helps ur exam. It would be easy one.
Congrats, very good score!
Hi All,
Thanks for your reply. I attended the exam and as you mentioned it helped to remember the design to explain and justify the design. Hope I get +ve result soon!
Hi All,
I submitted my assignment yesterday, appearing part-3 today,any inputs? Many said it is easy exam,but none said what they ask, what i have to prepare?
I am not good writer, unless i prepare?
Can anyone (SCEA) could correct me if i am wrong. I am trying to identify the j2ee patterns in pststore example(1.2 version). Not all of them might be correct..
MainServlet- front controller
ShoppingClientControllerWebImpl - (proxy old) (Business Delegate -new)
ShoppingClientControllerEJB - session facade
RequestProcessor - Application Service?
RequestHandler - ?
Event -contextObject or Transfer Object?
StateMachine- Business Delegate?
StateHandler - Application Service?
XXXModel - Business Object ?
XXXInfoBean - TransferObject or ValueObject?
CustomerEJB (1.2 version SFSB) - (Aggregate -old) (compiste - new) ?
OrderEJB (1.2 version EB - BMP) - (Aggregate -old) (compiste - new) ?
FYI - http://www.corej2eepatterns.com/Patterns2ndEd/ApplicationService.htm
Thanks for quick reply. Is there any limit on the size of the documentation submission? Can you also tell me if i can use more than one diagram one for framework,other for functional? I have too many classes.