Suneel Setlur

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since Nov 26, 2000
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Recent posts by Suneel Setlur

Thank you Jessica!!
22 years ago
How do you search for topic in the forum...? Has the search link been placed elsewhere?
22 years ago
Thanks Bosun....But I guess you have a look at my code and tell me where I am going wrong...coz the Weblogic Server gives me a NullPointerException.

And this is the error

22 years ago
Thanks for the replies.
Ben can you give me an example code where I can pass a key & value pair like i=10 to the next servlet?
Bear I hae no difficulties with redirecting. I was wanting to pass a couple of parameters to the next servlet where I indicated that the variable(var)and its value needed to go the next servlet.
22 years ago
When I pass Parameters from one servlet to another using something like response.sendRedirect("http://webserver:7001/......?var=value") I get only the var in the second servlet and not the value. Where am I going wrong? Can you please give me a sample code..
[ June 15, 2002: Message edited by: Suneel Setlur ]
22 years ago
I am told that the MS-IIS can be used to deploy
servlets/JSPs.Refer this article
Can you help me set the classpath for this and also help me deploy a servlet
22 years ago
I get the following error when I use the build auto create)option to generate
Deployment Descriptors in Weblogic 7.
"No J2EE components to generate Deployments Descriptors"
Am I missing something?
[ May 22, 2002: Message edited by: Suneel Setlur ]
22 years ago
How do you mask a text field so that ** are shown?
Example a password field.
23 years ago
SOAP is a lightweight protocol for exchange of information on a distributed environment.
Check this link here
[This message has been edited by Suneel Setlur (edited September 18, 2001).]
23 years ago
Can some one help me with a simple set of rules or procedures to start with JTAPI.
I am supposed to create a program to send / receive telephone calls / Faxes. This program is going to be integrated with different program.
23 years ago
Can we not have a client, that is not a servlet, access an EJB method?

[This message has been edited by Suneel Setlur (edited August 22, 2001).]
Hi Rahul
Redundant is more of one type than is necessary. Something which can do the same work as an extra. Normally redundant servers don't have anything to do unless it has more than normal requests to process and/or there is a breakdown(fails) or load on the regular servers.

23 years ago
All the very Best Rahul !!!
23 years ago