Brett Delia

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since Oct 27, 2003
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Recent posts by Brett Delia

I have a HTML page that has an Applet on it. The HTML also has a form with various text boxes. I have a problem, only when using Sun's Plugin, that when the page loads the focus is stolen away from the form's first element. I cannot seem to get past this, we have tried numerous approaches to no avail.
Has anyone else run into this and if so how did you solve it. I really need the form element to have the focus not the Applet.
20 years ago
I am very confident of his skills, he is someone I have had the privilege of having as a mentor in software engineering. We have even gone through his code and my code several times looking for misplace close() statements for PreparedStatements, Connections, and Resultsets, but to no avail.

Originally posted by Joe Ess:
I had a similar experience. I was called on to clean up some code some contractors had written which passed Connection objects hither and yon. Turns out that a couple of the methods were using their own locally created Connection instances even though they had Connections passed into the method. If you are suspicious of your collegue's skillz you might want to trace that thread of execution just to make sure.

21 years ago
I am running into some troble with some transactional code. I have a web application that inserts several rows into several tables in a MSSQL db. We are using transactions by calling the setAutoCommit(false) /rollback() / commit() methods of the Connection class.
My question is this the transaction spans several classes so what we have done is to pass the Connection object between the classes but not the PreparedStatement or Resultset objects. The PreparedStatement or Resultset objects are created by each object and only the Connection is shared.
This seems to cause issues with spawning different SPIDs in MSSQL. Does anyone here know whether or not we also need to pass the PreparedStatement or Resultset objects as well as the Connection object?
21 years ago
Am I correct in saying that the cert exam for this no longer covers AWT, LayoutManagers or anything graphical?
Why is this legal when a float is 32 bits and a long is 64 bits?
long number = 23;
float f1 = number;