J Johny Rufus

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Recent posts by J Johny Rufus

Thanks Nick ,

I guess I have to revise the entire lot of 1.4 and then master the new contents of 5.0

Thanks and Regards,
Hi Friends,

I have a scjp 1.4 certification and need to do the 5.0 upgrade exam CX-310-056 .

I had a look at the objectives, but they seem to include a lot, that was covered in 1.4 exam itself .
Can some one guide me on what topics to prepare, is it enough i read the only the new stuff in 5.0 ?

Any specific material that covers this upgrade part ?

(I posted this in the SCJP forum with no replies , so posting it here.. )

Thanks and Regards,
Hi Friends,

I have a scjp 1.4 certification and need to do the 5.0 upgrade exam CX-310-056 .

I had a look at the objectives, but they seem to include a lot, that was covered in 1.4 exam itself .
Can some one guide me on what topics to prepare, is it enough i read the only the new stuff in 5.0 ?

Any specific material that covers this upgrade part ?

Thanks and Regards,
Hi Pradeep,

Taking SCJP 1.5 would be a better option, as there is no harm in learning the new features, eventhough you are not going to use them for quite some time.

You can refer teh following links..

Thanks and Regards,

SCJP 1.4 ,SCBCD 1.3,SCWCD 1.4, MCP
Hi Radmika,

Line 4 need not throw an error under one condition .
If the custom tags used in lines 2 or 3 had introduced a scripting variable by the name "x" , then line 4 will work fine.
Custom Tags can introduce scripting variables using the <tei-class> and the variableInfo entry .

As per the spec

"The value of the name attribute in jsp:setProperty and jsp:getProperty will refer to an object that is obtained from the pageContext object through its findAttribute method.

The object named by the name must have been "introduced" to the JSP processor using either the jsp:useBean action or a custom action with an associated VariableInfo entry for this name "

You can refer how to do this using the following links

Hope this helps,

All the best for your exam

Thanks and Regards,
Hi Shiva,

<body-content> is optional, and the default values are as follows,

1) TagFiles and
the default value is "scriptless" ,
and the only other two options available are "tagdependent" and "empty" .
a <body-content> of "JSP" is illegal for TagFiles and SimpleTags.

the default value is "JSP"

Thanks and Regards,
Hi Shiva,

I perfectly agree with Narendra, as "Scriptless" bars the usage of two things

1. scriptlets <% %> and
2. scriptlet expressions <%= %>

Thanks and Regards,
Thanks Balaji .
Expecting your results for SCWCD 1.4 in this forum soon .

All the Best

Thanks and Regards,
Hi Sreedevi Vinod,

The body of a simple Tag is processed as a JspFragment , which can only contain template text and JSP action elements. so, it must not contain scriptlets or scriptlet expressions .
<body-content> for a SimpleTag cannot be JSP and defaults to "scriptless" .
A translation time should occur if the body content contains scriptlets or scriptlet expressions .


a classic Tag doesnot have this restriction as its body is processed as BodyContent which is a subclass of JspWriter .

<body-content> for a ClassicTag defaults to "JSP"

Thanks and Regards,
Hi Kapil Munjal,

"${requestScope[integer] ne 4 and 6 le num || false}"

can be splitted into three subsets,

1. requestScope[integer] ne 4 AND
2. 6 le num OR
3. false

so, if either 1 or 2 evaluates to false , then the expression becomes

1) either as false AND true OR false --> false OR false --> FALSE
2) or as true AND false OR false --> false OR false --> FALSE

Hope this helps

Thanks and Regards,
Hi Vladimir ,

I felt SCWCD more difficult than SCBCD .
The number of questions are more , eventhough the time allocated is also more, the time some of the questions consume is also more .

Thanks and Regards,
Thanks Mikalai Zaikin .

That would be of greatest use to me, as all your materials have been .

Thanks and Regards,
Thanks .
HFSJ covers the patterns that are required and specified in the SCWCD 1.4 exam objectives. But if you need to get a detailed hand at most of the patterns you can refer to http://java.sun.com/blueprints/corej2eepatterns/Patterns/

Thanks and Regards,
Hi Sowrabha,

The SCWCD links http://www.javaranch.com/scwcdlinks.jsp has all links for free mock exams .
I feel the mock exams are more to find out which topics we are weak at.
The real exam focusses more on how clearly we have understood the concepts .

Hope this helps .

Thanks and Regards,
Thanks Pawan, Narayanan, Mikalai Zaikin, Paramasivam , Osama Hasan, Amit, Kalyani , Bert Bates , Chowdary and Okkadu privt FOR your wishes .

Hoping to do IBM 486 OOAD with UML certification next . Can someone point to me links and books needed and mock exams for this certification .

Thanks in Advance,