Balaji Akella

Ranch Hand
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since Oct 29, 2003
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Recent posts by Balaji Akella

I understand what Kishore is talking about. I have experienced, the "push" in a local city bus, while trying to get out, many times in Hyderabad, India. We miss the station, if we are not strong enough. I believe its probably because, there will only be few seats compared to the number of people who need to get in, those who get in late will end up standing in the bus.

Its almost a decade since I have been on a city bus in India, but thinking back about it, I feel it is okay. If you are strong enough you get to push back or push out, or like in another thread, tell your neighbor (read: tenant) what kind of internet connection they can have. Life is very fair, but only, as long as you are strong enough to keep it that way.
18 years ago
I envy a dog's life because, they are reared with care, but for occasional tail wagging, and ball catching, it is seeming like mostly napping. I guess, I look forward to my "dog" years
18 years ago
I watched MI-III and..and..I liked it!! other than the cool graphics, I felt the movie had more heart than the earlier ones, you could really feel for the hero..something not very common in action movies..

18 years ago

Try this out, just for fun..
by the way, my score is 3.

19 years ago
The miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat hanh
Born to Win by Muriel James

19 years ago
JSF and Struts are comparable, as they are meant for web application development. However, Spring provides with a suite of additional features, such as IOC and AOP, a light-weight container along with a web MVC based framework. Spring facilitates standards based enterprise applications development, where as JSF and Struts are focussed on the web tier.

I figured out the problem, but not the reason though..

The JSP was changed to use, JSTL tags, in which case it works. The new JSP file looks something like this:

<%@ taglib prefix="core" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="" %>
<core ut value="${message}"/>

Native: Hyderbad India
Working: Irving, TX, USA
19 years ago
I am trying to pass data from the Controller to view (jsp page) using ModelAndView object. Please consider the following code,


Controller Class
public class UAMInternalController implements Controller {

protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
private String greeting = "Namaste!";

public ModelAndView handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
return new ModelAndView("home","message", greeting);

The view is printing the variable as is, that is, ${message} instead of the contents of the variable "greeting". Please suggest a solution for this problem.

My dad had a story to tell, when I was a kid, about how he used to take medical injection himself, as others in the family weren't educated enough to do it..also he wanted to save some money, so couldn't go to doc. for injection everyday..

May be its a common thing that many can do, but being a guy who gets scared to take injection even at a doc.s place, it seemed gory for me..
19 years ago
I am going to create my blog soon, after that it would take 8000 years to download..
19 years ago
Success: To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded! ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
19 years ago

I think its going to be either san antonio or Miami or Detroit this time. I would like to see Miami win, but I am afraid Detroit might beat them.

My worst fears have come true.

19 years ago
While using webservices with Weblogic 8.1, I have noticed in the documentation that there are ways to invoke a web-service without generating or making use of the client stubs classes.

Currently we are using the wscompile utiltity to generate, the client stubs and making use of those.

Is it a recommended method, to invoke the webservices by using a Dynamic Client that uses WSDL path as an argument, or is it better to generate the client stubs and use them to communicate with the services.

19 years ago