G'day Deepak
Sorry my notes are all on paper, its on my todo list to type them up.
With regard your query on exam questions, you would want to know how threads
behave when they stop, what methods are depricated etc. With IO you would want
to know all the IO constructors and how UTF is used and specified. With Exception
Handling know when catch and finally are used (ie when the code within them
is executed) and how declaring a throws key word on a method affects overriden
My tips are just a reiteration of what you will read on other postings...
- 1) Read a good Java Programmer Certification oriented book (I read "The
Complete Java 2 Certification Study Guide").
- 2) If you still have questions and want more tips go to the
Java Ranch discussion group ...
- 3) Do lots of questions, this
page has an extensive list...
- 4) If you can get 75% or more in all 3 Marcus green tests, you are ready
for the exam...exam 1
, exam 2 & exam
3 .
- 5) Read the sun
pages to familiarise your self with the exam. Note, the Australian site
is not up to date, it still reflects information for the old exam. Hope this
Originally posted by Deepak Magoo:
Hi Nick
Congrats thats very nice score. i am also preparing for SCJP could u please help me in some area. just tell me what sort of questions are they asking in Exception Handling, IO and threading. also do u have JLS notes if u have could u please send it to me at
hope u will help me