Nandi Shiva

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since Nov 03, 2003
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Recent posts by Nandi Shiva

Hi MZ (or any body for that matter),
Can you please suggest books for SCDJWS for EE5 or EE6 version? I know there is sun book (v1.4 though)
Designing Web Services with the J2EE(TM) 1.4 Platform : JAX-RPC, SOAP, and XML Technologies. Does this
book a good reference along with SOAP and other related specifications?

thanks a bunch
Hi guys,
Good you are doing or done with SCEA -II. Can you please tell me is there
such useful simulator for SCEA-I also. Your help on how prepare for SCEA-I is highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance..
I am very new to this forum. I am considering to prepare and take SCEA exams. It is always good to get an expert advice.
I shall highly appreciate if anybody (especially those who have passed
exams) to give me a list of books/websites/notes and tips, so i can start
preparing for the exam in a right way.
Again i appreciate your help