Rishabh Agarwal

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since Nov 04, 2003
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The mileage earned is not supposed to be updated at the time of booking. This should be updated when the travel takes place - as in real life.

>Customer selects awards travel& system verifies mileage availability.
>Does it mean only when the customer selects Awards travel he will be awarded the Mileage earned.

I think it refers to redemption of award points for free travel rather then the other way.

The centres are open...I was told beta exams are not allowed to be taken on weekends. Dont know if its a directive from Sun/Prometric. Would like to meet u around. My hp no. is +65 90278541.
> Just confused why there is no test center open on weekend in Singapore
Myself taking the exam at NTUC Tanjong Pagar - 21st May 11:00 AM. Anybody joining me there around that time?