Panagiotis Varlagas

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since Nov 27, 2000
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Recent posts by Panagiotis Varlagas

i.e. exam #1, assignment, and exam #2? 3 months, 6 months? (on average, of course; naturally, one's mileage may vary...)
It doesn't matter what type the variable refering to the object is; what matters is of what class the object actually is.
Actually, I already took the $10 sample test and score something like a 45%-ish score with whatever XML knowledge I had from experience. Maybe I'll start with the Nutshell book and see how it goes...

Actually, I skimmed through the Head First EJB book at my local bookstore Friday evening and found it interesting enough to buy it!

I'll let you know of my opinion on the book when I'm done with it...

How much time would it take the average SCEA aspirant to complete the assignment requirement? What is involved in it?

... for Java people with a passing acquintance with System i through osmosis? (i.e. having worked for 4+ years in an enviroment where AS/400 is the backend and got acquired some - basic - skills)?

I have some experience with EJB 2.0, but none with EJB 3.0, and so am going for the SCBCD 1.3 cert, so as to get an EJB-related cert fast...

I was thinking of buying the SCBCD 1.3 Exam Study Kit book, since I was rather satisfied by the corresponding SCWD one, and it is specifically targeted to the test: however, I hear a lot about the Head First EJB book... Which one of the two would you recommend for the test?

If one sticks to the books recommended by IBM

- XML in a Nutshell, Third Edition

- XSLT Cookbook, Second Edition (Cookbooks (O'Reilly))

do you think one has a good chance of passing the test? Or should alternate books/resources be used?

Does anyone have any experience with this test? Unfortunately, IBM provides just 5 (!) questions on their site... :-( Any books, mock tests that you have found useful?

I am experiencing a session data crossover issue (immediately after
logging on to the application, user A views the session data of user
B). I have investigated the issue up to a particular point - by also
adding some pertinent logging to the application - and it appears
that, while the session is correctly populated with the user data and
the servlet/POJO level, *after forwarding to the JSP, the JSP grabs a
wrong session....* ??

Please note that this is an application that run for four (4) years
now in production, and the problem starting occurring without any
change is the session management code of the app... Could it be a
caching issue? It happen non-deterministically to *some* users...

The relevant code snippets are as follows:

[ May 25, 2007: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
17 years ago
I am experiencing a session data crossover issue (immediately after
logging on to the application, user A views the session data of user
B). I have investigated the issue up to a particular point - by also
adding some pertinent logging to the application - and it appears
that, while the session is correctly populated with the user data and
the servlet/POJO level, *after forwarding to the JSP, the JSP grabs a
wrong session....* ??

Please note that this is an application that run for four (4) years
now in production, and the problem starting occurring without any
change is the session management code of the app... Could it be a
caching issue? It happen non-deterministically to *some* users...

The relevant code snippets are as follows:

[ May 25, 2007: Message edited by: Paul Clapham ]
17 years ago
Dear all,

I wonder if anyone of you guys out there could help me out with this:

I want to read a file, but only want to do that when another process
that is creating it is done creating it. Say it is an (external)
process A that creates the file and my process B that reads the file. I
want to somehow verify that when an attempt is made by B to read that
particular file in the file system, the file is not currently being
written to by process A.

A ----> writes ---> file <--- reads ---- B

Is there any way to do this in Java?

Many thanks!!!

18 years ago
So, as I told you above, I am attempting to programmatically back up files lying in a folder in a Windows 2000 machine, by way of Java (Apache Commons/Net library). The Java code runs on a remote server (actually an AS/400 one) and accesses the Win2K machine, attempting to (i) copy the files to a backup folder on the Win2K machine and (ii) delete the original files. When the program merely copies or merely deletes the files, it works fine. However, if it first copies the files and subsequently attempts to delete them, deletion fails with a 550 FTP error:

"The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."

Running the "handle" utility on the target machine I got the following:


Handle v3.2
Copyright (C) 1997-2006 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals -

3C8: File (RW-) C:\Inetpub\ftproot\data_efu_in\INTER777


(INTER777 is the file to be deleted.)

Does anyone have a clue as to why this handle is held on the file, long
after the copy file operation has
been completed? It is this lock held that apparently prevents file
deletion and results in a 550 error.... What should I do to overcome this problem? Thx!
18 years ago