daniel wolff

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since Nov 08, 2003
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Recent posts by daniel wolff

Hi *
I thank you guys ;o] I try to do my best an hope that monday will not be a bloody monday. No, I�m just kidding.
Maybe I can post my "best" results in the near future.
Hi Paul,
thats good news, because I have to hand in my work on the 17.Nov.
And I have no idea yet. But am I not right that the model is on the server side and has to notify all the views that are on the client side?
Thx for your hint, it will possibly save me from unnecessary work.
cya dewe
has anybody used to implement the networking over sockets?
I use to send commands over a socket connection to the server.
Multiple clients should be notified if the data changed on the server, e.g. a contractor has been updated. Am I right?
But I don�t have any idea how to notify the clients.
Is there anybody who can help me or give me some hints?
thx for any help.