This week's book giveaway is in the Agile and Other Processes forum.
We're giving away four copies of DevSecOps Adventures: A Game-Changing Approach with Chocolate, LEGO, and Coaching Games and have Dana Pylayeva on-line!
See this thread for details.

Will Stevens

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since Nov 10, 2003
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Congrats Aged Farmer, keep aging w/ wisdom
..were you expecting more questions form some topics (EJB, security, Legacy, etc) and/or suprised to see fewer than expected from other topics ?
When the container calls ejbCreate() on an Entity bean, the bean is then considered in Ready State - it is ready to be worked-with, after the new row has been inserted into the DB.
HOWEVER, when container calls a finder method (say ejbFindByPrimaryKey()), it will return the found entity bean instance, but then returns back to the Pooled State...
Why shouldn't the Entity bean remain in Ready state if the finder method returns a single bean instance - AFTERALL, typically when you successfully find a bean instance, you probably are then going to update the DB (via the bean)???
also - I take it there's not to many questions with code samples involved, correct ?
thanx -
Some mock exams are easier than others. I would like to know what to expect for the REAL test....preferable from a passing test-taker.
Yeah, that's what I was afraid of. Oh well, I might consider buying that other book if it's more thurough and better written.
thanks for the input..
I think we could agree there are a limited amount of SCEA studyguides out there, compared to SCJP studyguides. I knew this book (below) has had mixed reviews/ratings but bought it anyway, due to lack of alternative studyguides.
Has anyone used this book, and if so, what are your honest impressions of it for the SCEA exam?
ISBN: 0072226870
Ha, no way. So you mean the SCJP & the 286 constitute an IBM Solution Developer!!! IF so that's great...and I feel like a doof. I've checked out that page a number of times. I was under the impression that those two tests (scjp + 286) are the prerequisites for the final (solution developer) test. Please let me know if I still have the wrong idea as to what's going on.
thanks again - W.
yeah, I know there's a 286 practice exam, I took it and passed the real thing! It's odd ibm has practice exams for most exams/certs they offer but not for the Solution Developer.
I'm still looking for the flavor of the exam - being if it's similar to the SCWCD w/ some JDBC or what...
don't quote me on this but I don't believe IBM stores your test results on their site. But, you should have record of it on either Prometrics or Vue's site. Both of those sites should have a personal record of all past tests..
Am I correct in saying the Solution Dev. test is similar/easier/more-difficult than the SCWCD? Is there a great deal w/ JDBC/other-stuff, or mostly servlets/jsp?
Trust me, I've viewd that Solution Developer test specs numerous times but IBM is not as explicit with explaining the test as they are with other tests.
I'm trying to get a flavor for the actual test.
Any clues are greatly appreciated.
Thank you - Will
Has anyone taken the IBM Solution Developer Exam?
I have the two prerequisites (SCJP + IBM test 286) and am ready to go on to the next step. I assume it's similar to the SCWCD. I have seen advice and braindumps on both of the prerequisite tests but very little, to no advice for the solution developer test itself. IBM doesn't even have one of their practice exams for it.
Any advice is welcome. Just curious.