I'm reading the book Harnessing Hibernate, and though my project compiles just fine from the command line, I'd like to use it in Eclipse.
The project uses the
Maven ANT Tasks, and though I've used both ANT and Maven by themselves with Eclipse, I've never used the
Maven ANT Tasks along with Eclipse.
I tried importing my existing project into my eclipse workspace by way of the
File -> New -> Project ... and then selecting
Java Project from Existing Ant Buildfile, then I select my ANT build file, and I am presented with the following error:
Error occurred creating project
Problem setting the classpath of the project from the javac classpath: Reference dependecy.class.path not found.
The project appears in Eclipse, but there's obviously something wrong.
I've tried adding an environment variable in my project to point to the maven repo (M2_REPO), without any luck, although eclipse appears to acknowledge that the classes withint the jars are present.
Here is the build file from Harnessing Hibernate:
As you can see the
dependency.class.path classpath entry that eclipse complained about, is that which specifies the list of dependencies from the
maven ant tasks.