santhoshkumar samala

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since Nov 12, 2003
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Recent posts by santhoshkumar samala


I have lilbit experience with spring2.5, but i dont know end to end of spring2.5. How difficult it is to migrate my application to spring3? can i migrate only sopme parts to spring3 and retain others to spring2.5?

14 years ago

wellcome to javaranch, we are using spring3 for development, its nice to see you on javaranch.

14 years ago
I have written simple webservice

when i declare it as servlet in web.xml and deploy in jboss4.2.2 as war file, jboss has generated a wsdl file at deploy/data folder.
My question is how to write and invoke client for this? iam using eclipse genemade,
can some body please help me in writing client, the generated wsdl is as follows

15 years ago
saurabh this phase is common for everyone who come to US on H1

- I don't have project right now and my room mates have (they have been here since 2 months). So i have that bad,ugly feeling of being unemployed. I have never been unemployed before.I got selected in college campus interview.I am technically good too,not only luck.

Iam sure that even before entering into US, you know about this phase, as you said you have already got some experience in india, you should even know the fact that getting job doesnt completely depend on your technical knowledge.

you can use this idle time to improve your technical knowledge and prepare for certifications, dont compare with your room mates as every individual is different, if you get one lucky day you will get a job, dont worry much about the job, but worry about improving your knowledge.

I have never been out of my home for academic/job purpose. So i do have home sickness too. I do cry sometimes because of this.

- The other problem is the food problem. I don't have any experience in cooking too. In USA it's required because everyday you don't like/afford McDonalds/Taco bell.

try to learn cooking, this is the best oppurtunity for you to learn more about life.
16 years ago
The link

has 3 pdf files, all are necessary for SCBCD5?
Its just another day, I feel good if someone calls me, dont think much about the people who has not called me...
16 years ago
Doctors will loose their income and insurence companies will be happier
16 years ago
How can i install springIDE for eclipse genemade? spring ide website gives me only one option to update through update manager, as iam behnd firewall i cannot update it, anybody knows how to download plugins for this and add it to eclipse?
Thanks guys, I got the accomodation
16 years ago
I got my new project near polaris parkway, columbus, OH. If you know any body looking roomamte in that area then please reply to this mail.

send me any links where i can search for the same
16 years ago
I was able to solve the above problem..

I have added above getId method of each entity.
I have created an ejb3.0 entity bean example with @ManytoOne relation. Iam getting a strange error

my example code is as follows:

my stateful session bean has following code :

Iam using Mysql, can you please tell me what can be the fix for this?
I have a list which contains Employees objects.
the Employee objects have following attributs


I want to make this list as unique.

for example my EmployeeList contains three objects
name number
Employee1 1
Employee2 2
Employee1 1

the resulting list should contain the employee objects with unqie employees

the resulting List should be

name number
EMployee1 1
Employee2 2