Sizhnor Rhena

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since Nov 17, 2003
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Here is the error message I got when I compile non-static variable this cannot be referenced from a static context
Inner i = new Inner();
1 error
in order to make this code work we need to add static in the inner class then only static void main method can access inner class. static only acces static!
here is working code!
public class Outer {
public String name = "Outer";
public static void main(String argv[])
Inner i = new Inner();
}//End of main
private static class Inner {
String name =new String("Inner");
void showName()
}//End of Inner class
Thanks Vad & Kathy !
Now It is clear to me.
In the code below drive()method in parent and child both are static so what I undersatan from previous posting is static method can't be overridden , redeclared or redefined . So what is drive() method in child class in the code below ?
class Car {
public static void drive(){ //1
System.out.println("I drive Car in parent class");
class Hammer extends Car {

public static void drive(){ // 2
System.out.println("I drive Hammer in child class!");
static void main(String[] args){
Hammer H2 = new Hammer();
//call drive method from parent class Car;//upcasting
//call drive method from child class Hammer;
[ November 17, 2003: Message edited by: Sizhnor Rhena ]
[ November 17, 2003: Message edited by: Sizhnor Rhena ]
I am getting confused with overridden Vs. redeclared/ redefined ?
K& B book Say:
"Static methods cannot be overridden, although they can be redeclared/ redefined by a subclass. So although static methods can sometimes appear to be overridden, polymorphism will not apply "
so in this code below //2 is overridden or redeclared/ redefined ?
class Car {
public static void drive(){ //1
System.out.println("I drive Car");
class Hammer extends Car {

//The variables in java can have the same
//name as method or class
static String Hammer = "Arnold";
public static void drive(){ // 2
System.out.println("I drive Hammer!");
static void main(String[] args){
Hammer H2 = new Hammer();
//call drive method from parent class Car;//upcasting
//call drive method from child class Hammer;