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I recently did a course in this..
A DTD (document type definition) specifies the structure of elements for an XML document. By specifying a particular DTD a user of the XML document can ensure that the XML document meets the specification. Here is an example of an XML document...(pardon me not tabbing in the tags)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE products SYSTEM "MyDTD.dtd">
Now here is the MyDTD.dtd file.
<!ELEMENT company (contact)*>
<!ELEMENT contact (id, firstname)>
<!ELEMENT firstname (#PCDATA)>
The DTD above tells that an element of type "company" must exist and it contains a "contact". The * indicates that zero or more contacts can exist for a company. The second line indicates that each contact element has an id and a firstname element. Without the *, this says that there can be only one id and firstname for each contact element. Finally, the #PCDATA keyword indicates the parsed data itself.
The benefit of a DTD is that it can be shared by multiple businesses that share similar data. This, however, is done mostly nowadays with something called Schemas which is something else entirely.
Hope this helps!
[This message has been edited by kking (edited September 19, 2000).]
[This message has been edited by kking (edited September 19, 2000).]
start with this site
This would be a good starting point.
You won't be asked any large unusual numbers like 22.
However, for numbers greater than or equal to 31, an easy way is to subtract 31 and then calculate the answer. For example
-1 >> 33 is the same as -1 >> (33 - 31) or -1 >> 2
Then the calculation is easy.
Hope this helps!
I think the key here is "all of the cells".
It may be true that some cells may be affected, but not necessarily all.
Let's say that the column on the far left side of the panel has a weightx value of 0.5 (occupies half the x-axis space in the panel.). Let's say that the affected cell is in the column just to the right of this one. When the width of this cell is changed, it may change the sizes of the cells on that row to the right of the affected cell. However, the cell with a designated weightx value of 0.5 will NOT be affected (as far as I know) since the column is set to an explicit percentage of the panel's x-axis space.
I can't go into details with regards to actual questions, but I can vaguely tell you the type of questions to expect.
1. You may be asked which components a certain event belongs to.
(It is one of the more specific ones).
2. You may be asked the what the parameter is of a given event
They could be used for exceptions or something to make sure that an number doesn't exceed its maximum range for its particular primitive data type.
The answer that I can give is that interfaces are implicitly abstract and hence have no need to be explicitly stated as such. The reason for this is that their methods must be abstract.
I would agree that you don't have to worry to much about the String pool.
The GC questions are mostly theory in nature. The only thing in terms of a practical question may be, for example, when a certain reference is eligible for GC or something like that. But the questions on the exam are not cryptic like the question being discussed in this thread.
I can give some advice in this area.
You can safely assume that you would have at least one question that asks you to identify the keywords. I can't give you the exact words that were listed (as Sun gets a little upset giving the answers to questions). I can tell you that the choices given are very clear. Use the JLS as your guide and not these 3rd party books. I can give one piece of advice...all of the words are lowercase. If you get a word in all caps, it is NOT a keyword.
To be perfectly honest, you really don't need to purchase those simulators considering that there are plenty of free mock exams around. Save your money.
You really don't need the whole 2 hours if you are properly prepared. I started at 9:00, did the exam, checked my marked questions, hit the end button, and was getting the printouts at 10:15 with an 85% in the bag. That is with a two minute break that I took before checking answers.
[This message has been edited by kking (edited May 08, 2000).]
Congrats on the score.
Personally, I didn't have any depreciated options on my exam. Therefore, it depends on the circumstances.
If it is a question with only one possible answer, I would suggest looking at the other answers first as one of them is probably the correct answer.
If it is a part of a multi-choice answer, I would select it if it is applicable. While it is depreciated, it is still a part of the API. Just read the question carefully.
There were no depreciated methods asked in my exam.
Just wanted to say that I passed the exam with 85% and finished it in a little over an hour (an hour and 15 minutes more or less).
Thanks to this site! It certainly helped a lot with some of the concepts. Two books that everyone should use is the R&H book plus Brogden's Exam Cram. Also, do any mock exam you can get your hands on. If you do that, the exam is pretty straightforward.