It is a strange problem. My environment: Redhat 9,Apache 2 as web server, Tomcat for servlet.
When uses visit my web page on Apache server and input the date by applet, the date is sent to servlet on Tomcat, servlet calculate and sends back an integer array[6][300], then applet plot graph according to the integer array in its canvas.
I use IE test my web. It is working, but strange thing is: it cannot run many times. I mean, first use inputs one date and get the graph, then use input a new date, get new graph, then third time. But at fourth time, the IE frozen. On one PC, IE can do this 3 time, on the other one, IE can do this 5 times. I have no idear what the porblem could be! Web server is not cofnigured right? or Servlet connection is not limit? or some resource wrong? or other reason?
Thanks for any suggestion!