michael yue

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since Nov 20, 2003
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Recent posts by michael yue

I am using Jboss 4.2.2 GA. I found that jboss itself have its own log4j config file jboss-log4j.xml. Putting all the log4j config there seems to work as intended. I plan to do this as a workaround. Is this advisable?

Hi all,

I have this problem with regards to log4j. I currently have 3 war files lets say A.war,B.war and C.war that deploy on jboss using log4j. Each war is supposed to log into separate log files. Problem is the logging seem to be mixed up where logging from A.war appears in B.war and so on. My log4j.xml config is as below for the wars.

Is it have to do with jboss server or any other issues ? Thanks.

I am using quartz for scheduling job. I have a scenario where I need to do a task until I have received a confirmation status. Once confirmation status is received the task schedule is stopped. Is it achievable using quartz?


I am using hibernate jpa. I am trying to map table between a mapping table and an entity. This mapping table has 2 id lets say
user_mapping with column userno and userloginid.
The entity is lets say
user_hobby with column hobbyid

Now I try to map with a join table user_mapping_hobby table with column
userno, userloginid and hobbyid.
How do I achieve this? Is this possible. Thanks
I am currently using jboss4.2.2 that comes with latest jsf library. If my list in datatable is too large, when I click a link it will load the whole list again before proceeding to the page link. It will impact on the performance cause have to wait quite a while before loading of list is completed. Not sure whether this is a bug or just how jsf works.
16 years ago

I found that by putting a link in datatable and clicking it causes the get list for datatable to be executed again. This also happens to any links and buttons that i put outside the datatable tags also. It will execute the list datatable first then only route to the link that I clicked. I believe its something similar to this forum. http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=534232&messageID=2579716#2579716

Does anyone know any workaround here for this?
Thanks a lot
16 years ago

I think maybe you can try get the context through the path directly something like
17 years ago

I have a existing jsf web application that use axis2 stub to call another service which is working. After I make the neccessary configuration to change it to portlet and run on jboss portal, I encountered out of memory error as below.

08:10:38,226 FATAL [application] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
08:10:51,695 WARN [arjLoggerI18N] [com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.BasicAction_41] - Abort called illegaly on atomic action -53efadae:600:4795963f:2de

If I don't call the stub everything works fine. I have already increased the memory size of jboss to 1024M but still it occurs. Has anyone face this error before?
I am using jboss portal 2.6.3. My application also use spring and hibernate but I don't think thats the problem.
17 years ago

Found that I need to get web application context to get Spring to inject the data source , something like below. Just want to know are there any other way to do this? Thanks.


I am using Spring with hibernate with jsf. I am getting null pointer exception when trying to get data from database. But when on first time load, my hibernateTemplate does contain value and can query data because the setSessionFactory is called to initialized. So how do I make the data source inject every time I query data from database?

My DaoImpl code are as below.

Has anyone use netbeans visual web jsf on jboss version 4. The visual web component for table seems to get error when launch in jboss 4. But it runs fine in the Glassfish server. Is there a solution for this as jboss 4 is using j2ee 1.4.

I have question regarding Axis2. Noticed that using axis just generate the stub part of the code is enough to run web service. I was following this guide http://wso2.org/library/1719

So when is the skeleton code generation is needed and under what condition. I also noticed that the samples that came together with axis2 downloads does not need stub and skeleton generation like the pojo sample.
And also some sample client uses RPC approach and was wondering whether RPC is still current.
I am new at this so not sure which approach is more current.

Thank you
17 years ago

Just curious. How did you managed to determine and check the different windows services using InetSocketAddress. Did you associate port number to the windows service?

17 years ago
Looks like the function is disabled in netbeans 6.
Issue 94193: Not possible to edit bean properties in the Outline window or through source packages in the Projects window.
Description: In NetBeans IDE 6.0, the Add Menu item is disabled in the Navigator window and there is no functionality for editing the properties through source packages.


This might sound like a silly question but in netbeans6 beta2, I can't seem to locate the outline window. I look at the help section and it said it supposed to be in window > outline but its not there. Anyone experience this before?