Robert Skyttberg

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since Nov 21, 2003
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Recent posts by Robert Skyttberg


Im using SecurityFilter for authentication to my webapp and i wonder where i shall set a session i want to set?

Hope anyone understands what i mean.

/Regards Robert
20 years ago
My deepest condolences to Phil's family and friends.

Vila i frid, Phil.
20 years ago
How do I set a specific user to a role. I mean so i can use the request.isUserInRole()? What does isUserInRole do? what does it compare it to?

20 years ago

I struggeling with the tiles and I can't figure out how to use the role attribute.

If someone have a link or anything like that i will be a happy man. I have search but without luck to find any example using the role attribute.

Thank you!
20 years ago
aha i see. Thank you.
20 years ago
ah thanks, you explained what I tried to explain for you =)

I did as you described with a successAction. I wonder is this the best way to go or should i think over something?

I got a second question to.
info:I use struts 1.1
well i wonder how i can use xhtml strict.
In regular html i have this:

I have tried two ways in Struts style.

If i browse the page and take view source the start tag <html> doesnt even show.
If i use following:

I get this output in view source:
<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en"></html>

Why is there </html> at the end of the line?
20 years ago
I have been thinking.. Should i put up one more action mapping to the same jsp file and with that one just forward.
And keep the other one for the form tag.

I have read that i should never point direct to a jsp page so thats why i think about this. If i just type in the jsp page directly the html:errors will work as they are supposed to.

20 years ago
hehe great

I just type in the browser: http://localhost:8080/strutsProj/

and as you can see in my first post it loads the jsp page called:

in that jsp page i have the form for registration.

Next you want to know?
20 years ago
Sorry Marc Peabody, but I really don't understand what you mean.

Only mapping to userRegistration is the one i posted in the first post above.

If i set validate="false" it that one it will never be validated even when i press submit if i understand how things work in struts.

really appreciate your help.

20 years ago
i got a form in

Like this:

When i first surf in to that page the html:errors displays and i only want them to show when i have submitted the form and the validate() method should be called in the actionForm.

example errors:
# The first name was blank
# The last name was blank

UserRegistrationForm(validates) creates the errors.

I hope you now see the picture
Else ask again.
20 years ago

newbie question.

Well my problem is that i have a form in file "" where of course I what to send back the html:errors if any that will happen when submitting it.
It works great but my problem is that show form errors before the form even being submitted.

My struts-config.xml

Ask if there is any questions about my question

thank you /Robert
20 years ago
Not a real solution but i got it working now. Downloaded eclipse 3.1 and installed tomcat 5.0.27 and it worked instantly.

I got some trouble getting tomcat started within the eclipse 3.0 ide. I had it working on eclipse 2.1.3.

My error message is this:

and in the ide console i get:

I cant figure out what it is that is wrong. Any help is appreciated.

The plugin for eclipse is this one: Sysdeo Eclipse Tomcat Launcher plugin 3.0

OS: XP Professional

Great i think that problem went away or else it will come back later and bite me in the a**.

Now i got a new problem.

Error message is this:

javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find message resources under key org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE
20 years ago