Don Griffing

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since Nov 21, 2003
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It depends on how you have deployed your application and expose it to the external world. I am using Apache on my web servers in the DMZ and JBoss is deployed on my internal network. The j2k connector forwards the request from Apache to JBoss. When I need to perform maintenance, I can temporarily disable the j2k connector and the user is redirected to an outage page.
20 years ago
When I was fighting a simular problem, it was recommended that I add

to my log4j.xml in order to get more details about what is going on.
BTW I noticed that your <security-domain> and <context-root> were out of order according to the DTD.
20 years ago
If/when you convert to use XDoclet, you might consider following the best practices and use the GUID Generator that it will generate for you.
20 years ago
I'll try to provide some additional information.
1. You are correct that getting to the JBoss "jmx-console" seem anti-climatic end. However, it is nice to quickly know that you have properly installed everything. You can change the access privileges by editing the configuration files.
2. It is the Tomcat code that is processing your JSP.
3. Personally, I don't know why there is not a default page for the "root" level. The main reason that I have not bother to investigate it is the notion of the context representing the web application. This provides good hierarchical structure to build your web site and application. I would agree that the application.xml is not correct for your
I hope this helps answer your questions.
20 years ago
What information is getting logged to the console and/or server.log?
20 years ago
Thank you for your suggestion. The problem is occuring on a RedHat 9.0 server. We keep looking at firewall settings, but cannot find anything that would be blocking access. We are able to access the file from another machine on the same subnet using a browser.
I have been able to get the JVM to load client certificate. It involved loading the certificate and the CA certificate into keystores and specifying them with:\jre\lib\security\cacerts
Now the file is not loading due to Software caused connection abort: recv failed.
20 years ago
I have not been able to come up with a solution for this problem. Any suggestions?
20 years ago
Try changing your method to:
20 years ago
There is too little information for me to be able to provide any advise. Please indicate the JBoss version and provide a copy of the exception and stack trace.
20 years ago
I have been able to narrow down the source of the problem. We are using a client-side certificate. When the servlet attempts to load the HelpSet, the request is rejected. If I attempt to use another URL (e.g. jar:...), the HelpSet is loaded but the actual pages cannot be displayed. What do I need to do to make a client-side certificate available to the servlet?
20 years ago

I am still fighting with this problem. Does anyone have any ideas that I can try to resolve it?
20 years ago
I am using JavaHelp 2.0_01 within my web application. I am encountering a very strange behavior. When I access my application from within my firewall, everything works as expected. When I access the application from the outside the firewall, the JSP that contains the link to the help generates the following error:

What do I need to do in order to get the help functionality available to the external world?
20 years ago
I noticed that you have:

It should be:

for your CMP entity beans.
20 years ago
I wish that I could help give you the magical answer. I can tell you that I have a server running since Mar 16 20:42 CST. I am running Java 1.4.1_03 on RedHat 9. Hope this information helps.
20 years ago
I would call myself a guru either, but I have posted snippets of important information when I was dealing with a simular problem They are at Problems with FORM Authentication. Hopefully, between the 2 sites you will be able to solve your problem.
20 years ago