fan mo

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I am developing projects under the websphere test enviorment under WSAD.
I used JSP to generate excel/CSV file and included the following in the JSP.
But the result appear in the browser(in HTML format) instead of in a downloadable file. But the exactly same JSP work under JRUN. Anyone have any idear? Thanks very much in advance!
[This message has been edited by fan mo (edited December 20, 2001).]
23 years ago
I am using the WSAD. There's a Wesphere server which come along with the IDE.
After running a JSP, I got exceptions like nullpointer etc.
How can I figure out which lines have bugs in JSP? It seems the compiled servlet (java) file for jsp have all been deleted automitically.
Is there anyway I can see the compiled servlet file for jsps under WSAD? Thanks!
23 years ago
I got the following error after I ran a jsp using Websphere Studio Application Developer under the test enviorment:
Error Message:
Error Code: 500
Target Servlet: null
Error Stack:
at ad.reports.Modify_jsp_2._jspService(
I want to take a look at the created java file but could not find it. Any one has any idea how to locate the java file created from JSP under WSAD? thanks!
23 years ago
Yes, I asked this question before.
You may try the merant driver which comes along with WAS4.
You can also try using other jdbcdriver and check the documentation how to set up the datasource properties.
Right now it's difficult for me to find detail information on connectting to SQLServer in WAS documentation.
you'd better use a IDE, such as WSAD. It's very convenient especially for Websphere. But I don't like the editor(JSP) very much. It's hard for me to notice which line is HTML, which line is java code.

[This message has been edited by fan mo (edited November 21, 2001).]
23 years ago
I have spend much time in tring to figure out how to use Websphere Studio Application Developer in Microsoft enviorment.
I don't know how to connect to SQL Server in WSAD.
And WSAD doens't support Visual SourceSafe?
I understand IBM doen't like Microsoft, but please at least provide a detail documentation for innocent developers.
I really appreciate if anyone who have the experience could tell me how to do the above, or let me know some useful links talking about that.
23 years ago
I want to create XML file using JSP
To create the element dynamically, I want to put JSP expression in a "< >" tag.
such as:
<<%= request.getParameter("name") %>>
But this will give me a error in creating the XML file, it is not allowed when the JSP contentType is "text/XML".
anyone know how to do with it? thanks.
[This message has been edited by fan mo (edited July 19, 2001).]
23 years ago
J2EE.BAT calls SETENV.BAT w/c causes a syntax error at the set JAAS_OPTIONS=.. line because DOS does not accept 2 '=' signs for the SET command (try SET VAR=VAR1=VAR2 in DOS and you'll see what I mean)......
the reason has been explained in the following link.
the MS DOS in win95/98 can't recognize some set clauses in following batch files:
j2ee.bat deploytool.bat ... and all other batch files.
the reason has been explained in the following link.
I am also working on j2ee on my win98, there's one day it work and can run the sample application. But aferterwards, some error appeared. still working on it.
just change the content in those batch files, be patient, it may drive you mad when copy and paste.
I am using window 2000. jdk1.3 j2sdkee1.3
JRun, all other applications have been shut down .
I have check all previous j2ee set classpath install threads and followed them but still error saying there's another process listening the port no matter what port No. I changed to.
in autoexec.bat:
SET J2EE_HOME=C:\j2sdkee1.3
SET JAVA_HOME = C:\jdk1.3
set path=%PATH%;C:\JDK1.3\BIN;c:\;C:\j2sdkee1.3\bin;
set CPATH=.;%J2EE_HOME%\lib\j2ee.jar;
set classpath = %classpath%;C:\JDK1.3\lib;C:\j2sdkee1.3\lib\j2ee.jar;C:\j2sdkee1.3\lib\ejb10deployment.jar;C:\j2sdkee1.3\lib\jhall.jar;
J2EE server listen port has been changed many times in file.
the result always is:
C:\j2sdkee1.3\bin>j2ee -verbose
J2EE server listen port: 1775
org.omg.CORBA.INTERNAL: minor code: 1398079697 completed: No
at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.main(../../src/share/com/sun/ent
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create ORB. Possible causes include TCP/IP
ports in use by another process
at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.main(../../src/share/com/sun/ent
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create ORB. Possible causes include TCP/IP
ports in use by another process
at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.main(../../src/share/com/sun/ent
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create ORB. Possible causes include TCP/IP
ports in use by another process
at com.sun.enterprise.server.J2EEServer.main(../../src/share/com/sun/ent
J2EE server reported the following error: Unable to create ORB. Possible causes
include TCP/IP ports in use by another process
Error executing J2EE server ...
Anyone have the same experience, please let me know. been stuck here for several days. Thanks so much!
thanks, satya.
These days I am trying to figure out how to build XML application on Because I could't find any help information about XML applications on its homepage, I asked this question in this forum to see if there's anyone has built XML applications successfully on free hosting sites.
I am still waiting for the reply from support staff from If anyone has the experience, I appreciate if we can share.

I am thinkin about building a XML application using JSP/Servelt/Beans.
Is there anyone happen to know where could I find a free hosting website to host my XML application?
many thanks
Usual task:
user query the database ,get the resultset.
Results are showed in form of HTML table.
Now if user want to sort the table based on another field/column,
I have to query the database again.
Because it takes long time to query the database. I am wondering if there's a way so that I don't have to requery the database and just sort the resultset?
I think it's a very common situation java developer will face.
Thanks in advance.
My experience is:
* depend on where you live. If you live in CA, I don't believe
you only have several phone call and one interview with your
* SCJP is not so useful. Company only care about professional
experience. I don't think SCJP is very very useful in job-hunting. What they asked me the most is whether I have
working experierence in software industry. So I suggest
people don't count on SCJP totally. It may let disappoint you
in your job-searching.
keep trying.
24 years ago
Hi, Ben,
I am currently looking for java job and very interested in what you mentioned in your post.
I don't know if you could give us the exact links for some sample projectes you mentioned, such as Nokia WAP server download
sites and tutorial examples and other useful projects links.

24 years ago
thanks mehul, anand, cowboy.
mehul, I am not sure what the exact question of yours.
I can only tell my experience. I tried running the examples
from books and mocks. And whenever I want to confirm sth,
I will write several lines of code. eg.,if it's possible for
a class has protected modifier, if it's possible to override
a static method, sth like that.
And this cowboy, I also recommend the excellent
Java Language specification
I didn't read other SCJP books so it's hard to which say one is "must". Exam Cram maybe is a very good supplementary book.
But to me, only having exam cram is not enough. Most answers of my questions were found in Khalid's book. If I can't find answers from it then I check the Java Language Specification. You don't have to read too many books. One or two is enough, I think. Check the amazon. You may get the idea.
Different people have different opinions. I am not a professional. You can also listen to others's opinions
. If you search the "%", you will get lots of tips in this forum.
Good luck, I believe you will become SCJPs soon after good