Steve Grant

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since Nov 24, 2003
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Recent posts by Steve Grant

We are facing problems of CPU spikes on Aix machine where WAS is installed.Especially the WAS Java process sometimes seems to take more memory than required. We are planning to use Tivoli Performance Monitoring tool for monitoring this.
1. Can anyone pls let us know whether we are using the right tool for monitoring? .
2. Also does using this tool hampers the performance of WAS running on the AIX machine. We will be monitoring the performance of WAS on AIX remotely by running the Tivoli Performance Viewer on Windows machine.

Can anyone pls let me know on these points.
thanks ,
17 years ago
I am preparing for IBM 486 exam . I would like to know about the following points.

1. To prepare for the exams do I have to read all the 38 chapters from the BOOK: Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Process, Second Edition
by Craig Larman

2. Do I have to go through all the chapters of Martin Fowler's book as well.

Pls let me know about this.

Hi Lucky,
I am planning to appear for IBM 486. I was looking for the following book in the market for studying UML.

Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Process, 2nd Edition
Author: By Craig Larman

But in the market this book has come up with its 3rd Edition which also include UML 2.0. Is it ok to study this 3rd Edition book because I am finding it difficult to get the 2nd Edition version of the above book.

Please let me know about this.

Hey buddies,
sorry to reply so late.
Here are my answers to all your by one

to Jayadev Pulaparty
I did not appeared for Practice Sample test.
to Americo Souza
Well in real exam they ask concepts and also some real scenarios.
but dont stress much on real scenarios. But yes u need to have some working experience. If you dont have still u can get the experience by working urself and following the pdf's.
to Billy Tsai
I got the soft copy of this certificate today.
to Jayadev Pulaparty (again)
dont do a deep study on Java Stack trace.
Just an overview familarity with the tools is enough.

Thx all,
I have passed IBM Websphere Sys Admin 340 exam with 74.14% today . Thx to all who have posted great info on this site. I must say this is the best site for all Java Developers.
Here is how i have done my preparation.
Read two pdf's
1. System Management
2. Security
3. Read some part of Scalability and Performance
( Abt Tivoli Perf viewer specially)
4. Read abt fixpack and efixes installation

Hi ,
I am planning to give IBM test 340 this month. But I have come to know that IBM is coming up with its Websphere Application Server version 6.0.
So my question is it worth to appear for this IBM test no 340 now as it is focussed on Websphere Application Server version 5.0 . Or should I wait for the test announcement for Websphere Application Server 6.0 from IBM.

Any replies will be of great help!!!

Thx ,
This question is on servlet.
Why cant we use constructor of a servlet class as a initializer
for that servlet instead of init() method.
Why we need init method when we can use non-argument
constructor as initializer for that servlet.
I know that init method has something to do with the life cycle of
servlet. But still cant we use constructor instead of init method.

Thx ,
20 years ago
I am designing a web page where there is a text box and a list boxx. I want an event for a text box which will fire whenever i change the value from the text box. so whenever i write even a single character or delete a specific character through backspace key this event should get fired.

I know that following events are present for a text box
ONFOCUS, when the element receives focus;
ONBLUR, when the element loses focus;
ONSELECT, when text in an input of type text or password is selected;
ONCHANGE, when the element loses focus and its value has changed since it received focus.

But none of them achieves my objective. Pls help me on this.

Hi Jessica,
Actually the template which I am talking about here is created through a NEW MEMO step in Lotus Notes. So the template is in a lotus notes doc. So can you please tell me how to go about this.
20 years ago
In our proj we have a doc which has a predefined template. This doc template is in a specific tabluar format. Now I want to create this doc through Java Program. Can anybody suggest me how to go abt this.

20 years ago
Hi ,

Can u show me dir structure. its seems to be classpath problem.

20 years ago
hi Jane,
Sorry to reply so late. Well I had referred to the book written by Kathy Seirra and Bates. Also Dan's site was really very helpful. The questions of mock exams from Dan's site really did help me.

Hope this helps. all the best

20 years ago
Cleared SCJP1.4 with 91%.Thanks to everybody who contributed to forum.

20 years ago

I was trying with the clustering in WAS . But my IBM HttpServer is giving problem when I try to start it. Following is the scenario which I have followed
1. I have installed WAS 5 and its fix pack on my machine
2. I have installed ND and its fix pack on my machine
3. After this I started the WAS server "server1" on my machine
4. Then I started the ND server on my machine
5. After this I had added the node from ND admin screen which is successfully done.
6. Now after the previous step a plugin.xml is generated in the ND_ROOT/config/cells dir.( I also updated the plugin.xml)
7. Now in the http.conf of IHS I gave the above path for plugin.xml
8. Now when I try to start the IHS it gives the following OS level error
"Application popup: Apache.exe - Application Error : The instruction at "0x00abc30e" referenced memory at "0x00000005". The memory could not be "written". "
9. All the above steps are carried out on a single machine
10. I am not getting why my IHS is giving problem while starting. Even the IHS logs are not showing any errors. The above error (Apache.exe ) is a system level OS error

Please give your advice on this

20 years ago
Well Portal Technology is nothing but a set of portlets forming a portal application. Now these portlets are extension of Servlets. WebSphere have its own set of Portlet Api's. The purpose of all the above stuff is that a user interface can be customized easily through a portal server. So the basic punch line is portlets are extension to servlets.A single page can have multiple portlets . Also an administrator can set access rights on the portlets ,pages etc.

Hope this helps else find more information on IBM Site for Websphere Portal 5.0

20 years ago