sanjana narayanan

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Recent posts by sanjana narayanan


You can just open the properties file in the IDE you are using. The contents of the properties looks like this..

You can write them or copy/paste from a different file.

userRegistration.firstName=First Name
userRegistration.lastName=Last Name
userRegistration.userName=User Name
userRegistration.firstName.problem=firstName cannot be empty
errors.required={0} is required.<br>
errors.minlength={0} cannot be less than {1} characters.<br>

Let me know if you have any questions on this.

19 years ago

I am a newbie to Struts. I have just started to develop some small applications to improve my knowledge on struts.

Can someone tell me the difference between <html:link> and <html:rewrite> tags?

19 years ago

I am looking for Java/J2EE opportunities in Illinois,Indiana and MO. I live in a small town in Illinois. As I am married, my relocation is limited and i can relocate only to these states so that I can meet my husband during the weekend. I have over 2 years of experience in Java/J2EE in India. As I do not have experience in US, my options are limited

Appreicate your reply.

20 years ago
I agree with you. We have to follow up after sending the resumes/cover letters. But unfortunately, when the person whom we are trying to reach is not available, we leave the message in his/her voice mail system. In most cases the recuiter will not reply to the messages. I understand that the recruiter will not have time to speak to every candidate.

In my case, I tried to reach a recuiter more than 5 times and emailed to him more than 3 times, but there was no response. Moreover,I am sure this recuiter has a requirement that matches my skillset.

I appreciate any comments/suggestions..
20 years ago

Inner class(non static nested class) can have cannot have static members until they are compile time constants

In this case,
static final int e = 1 is a compile time constant. So it is accepted.

If it had been,
static int e=1(without final), it would give an error.
static final int e(without any defintion), it would give an error.

Hope this helps!


I went through some interview questions in this forum just to refresh my knowledge on the concepts. I might also appear for an interview in the near future. can someone confirm this answers for the questions mentioned.

1.What are the type of protocols used in HttpServlet ?
HTTP is the widely used protocol.
we can also use SMTP,POP,FTP

2.Is there any heavy weight component in Swings ?
no. Swings are light weight components. AWT has heavy weight components

3.what are the different types of multithreading?
No idea. I referred a couple of books on threads but couldn't get what i wanted. Any explanation would be appreciated.

20 years ago
One of my friend was interviewed on this topic and she couldn't answer it. I am just curious to know what it would be. I referred a couple of books on threads and they had no mention of it.

Can someone explain me the different types of multithreading?


I came across something called SSL session this morning. I tried to do more reading on this but i got confused. Can someone tell me the difference between SSL session and HTTP session?

20 years ago
Hi Kyle,
Thanks for replying.
Yes, i would like to improve the download time. The time taken for the first file to get downloaded was 9hrs,15mins and it was not 6hrs as mentioned in my previous post. I am really frustrated abt it.
Does it usually take this much time?
20 years ago
I am trying to download and install Websphere studio application developer but it takes a lot of time. It took around 5 hrs to download the first part which was around 760MB.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
20 years ago
I cleared SCJP1.4 last month. Now i would like to take up websphere exam -158.
Please let me know the latest version available and some tips on the exam would be appreciated.
[ February 26, 2004: Message edited by: sanjana narayanan ]
20 years ago
I cleared the SCJP 1.4 last saturday and scored 86%.
These are the tips which i would like to share with u all.
1. I felt that the exam was not difficult but was a bit tricky. So you have to concentrate and be cautious while reading the questions.
2. Take the mock exams as much as possible. I scored 80%-87% in the Marcus Green exams. Dan's mock exam is necessay. You have to take the exam atleast once. But the real exam is not as difficult as Dan's exam. I would like to thank Dan for the wonderful exam with elaborate explanations.
3. In order to prepare for the exam, I used
1.Complete Reference
2.Sun certified programmer for Java 2 study guide Syngress Media, Inc.
3.Certification guide by Simon Roberts.
I did not purchase any other mock exams or books.
4. Do not follow the notes uploaded in any of the websites blindly because some of these notes contains a lot of mistakes.
5. I used Javaranch discussion forum to the fullest extent. I would like to thank everyone who supported me in achieving this.
21 years ago
I would like to know why is that the follo prog. prints only some of the nos thru 0-9 and not all of them.

Under which circumstances will a thread stop?
Select one correct answer
1.The run() method that the thread is executing ends to the start() method of the Thread object returns
3.suspend() method is called on the thread object
4.wait() method is called on the thread object
I think this question will ahve more than 1 option as answer. This question is from the PGJC exam.
Any explanations?