faisal mahmood

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Recent posts by faisal mahmood

Can you please post sample code?
I only submitted total of 6 diagrams (1 component, 1 class, 4 usecases) and scored 100% too. My 6 diagrams very simple, easily understandable and covers everything needed (especially component and class diagrams). My class diagram had about 14 classes and component diagram having about 12 components.
So long as you can show everything needed 6 diagrams are enough. After all it is an architecture document, not a exhaustive implementation document for a programmer. My suggestion is to give the architecture (especially common architecture learnt in part 1 of SCEA) more importance over implementation. At the end you want to be an architect.
[ July 13, 2002: Message edited by: faisal mahmood ]
I finally got the results. I was not concentrating in the beta exam as it was too long. I was very careless/quick and finished in less than half the time as I had no intension of passing as I was already SCJP, SCWCD & SCEA (100% J2EE project). I did not do any preparation either.
If you have any question please post in this forum.
22 years ago
I finally got the results. I was not concentrating in the beta exam as it was too long. I was very careless/quick and finished in less than half the time as I had no intension of passing as I was already SCJP, SCWCD & SCEA (100% J2EE project). I did not do any preparation either.
If you have any question please post in this forum.
Hi Java ranchers,
Today I found out my results from certmanager website and got amazed by looking at my score. I am so glad that I cannot explain in words. Here are the results:
Grade: P
Score: 100
Comment: This report shows the total points that could have been awarded in each section and the actual amount of points you were awarded. This information is provided in order to give you feedback on your relative strengths on a section basis. The maximum number of points you could have received is 100, minimum to pass is 70. Class Diagram (44 maximum) .......................... 44 Component Diagram (44 maximum) ...................... 44 Sequence/Colloboration Diagrams (12 maximum) ........ 12
I really feel guilty as I hardly visited Javaranch site and gave up with moderating iPlanet forum. I have been very busy keeping up with my job since the begining of the year. The job market is very bad in Sydney. I guess I can sell myself easily now. I only need to do one level 2 certification to complete JCert level 2 and level 3 in one hit.

If you have any queries please post here. I will post brief description later in the week.
Thank you all,
Certified: SCJP, SCWCD, SCEA (100%), e-business designer, UML, XML, WebSphere 4, WebSphere 4 Administration and WebSphere Studio
[ June 06, 2002: Message edited by: faisal mahmood ]
I would like to know if Oracle bought Orion and rebadged to Oracle9iAS?
22 years ago
JDK 1.4 should be fine with iAS6 although is heavily OS dependant. It is better to use the supported version in case you get problems.
22 years ago

Originally posted by bhargavi kakarala:
congrats faisal mahmood
all the best for u'r future.
iam planning to take xml test next week.i too have a plan of completing jcert after completing xml i may need u'r help in completing jcert.
[ April 04, 2002: Message edited by: bhargavi kakarala ]

I am glad to help, Just ask if you have any questions.
Thank you,
I am trying to figure out the number open connections or sessions (but not necessarily active) to oracle using JDBC code.
if you know please reply.
22 years ago
Hi all,
I cleared the test yesterday with a disappointing score of 70%. I have approx 1.5 of XML development experience. So, for this test I did not prepare much. I apent only the day before yesterdat reading/skimming the w3cschools.com, zvon.com tutorials, free chapters of XML bible and IBM's torolab mock test. I did not use any of the IBM recommended materials nor Whiz. I should have prepared for it. During the test I was not following the clock so, I had to answer 30 questions in the last 20 minutes and had no time for revision.
Now I got 1 test left to hit both jCert 2 and 3 at once.
SCJP, SCWCD, SCJEA (p1), OO-UML, Enterprise Connectivity (483), Websphere 4 (488 & 489), XML
I would ask to register again with "firstname lastname" login name format.
Can you provide more information on how you installed it and exactly when you get this error.
22 years ago
iPlanet is not the simplist j2ee app server I have worked so far. If Sun makes it the reference implementation then instead of gaining market share they will probably lose most of it. On the other hand iPlanet will get better from the users' negative comments and suggestions.
Besides iPlanet app server is heavily platform dependant (not like Weblogic or current RI). So, Sun will have to implement it for each platform even a native Mac version
22 years ago
Call this method and view you system console log file:
It will tell you a lot more information you never know how to find them. Note that this method is standard for any JDK.
22 years ago
I am not sure where your problem is but this is what you may try. probably you are using default Java heap memory allocation. You may modify the kjs scrips to allocate more memory using -ms and -mx options of JRE. For one of the projects this is what I did to allocate more memory.
Let us know how you go.
22 years ago
You may like to use Apache JMeter for doing such tests. http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/index.html. It is a 100% pure Java desktop application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance. I havn't done any benchmark myself on iAS6.
[ January 30, 2002: Message edited by: faisal mahmood ]
22 years ago