The difference between a synced block and a synced method is simply one of notational convenience.
if(asciiVal between 65 to 90)
A. When the application is run, thread hp1 will execute; threads hp2 and hp3 will never get the CPU.
B. When the application is run, all three threads (hp1, hp2, and hp3) will get to execute, taking time-sliced turns in the CPU.
C. Either A or B will be true, depending on the underlying platform.
wouldn't polymorphism come into play? so the word Hello cannot be printed out correct?
So is it always true that if all the points along the border of a bounding rectangle converge then all the points on the interior also converge? Has this been proved mathematically?
If a non-zero number of columns has been set, the width is set to the columns multiplied by the column width.