Alexandra Johnson

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since Dec 02, 2003
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thanks ill give it a go
20 years ago
hi, i need help with this question
Design and implement a hierarchy for the following weather warnings: Normal, HighWind, Storm, Tornado, Snow, SnowStorm, Blizzard, Frost, Mist. Each class/object should be able to respond to the following method calls: ``report'' and ``action''. Write a driver program that asks the user for the number of weather warnings (s)he wants to create. Use this input to randomly create the necessary objects and store them in a container class. Use polymorphism to print out the reports of each of the warnings and associate actions.the proper use of abstract classes, inheritance and polymorphism is critical
I have done the following hierarchy
Weather (is at the top of hier. also an abstract class)
Normal , Snow, Highwind, mist, frost (they all extend from weather)
|snowstorm, blizzard(extend from snow)|,|Storm, Tornado(extend from highwind)|
what i wanna know is how to go about writing the driver programme.
20 years ago
thats the problem, i havent started it, i am not too sure on how to go about it!!!
20 years ago
i need help, i am not too sure how to go about this can someone please shed some light on it, with the use of abstract classes, inheritance, and polymorphism.

Write a simulation for a phone company. The company serves two types of clients depending whether they use a mobile phone or not. When you want to make a call you ask the phone company for a connection. In return you receive a unique callID. This will be used to maintain the connection. The person called will obtain the same callID. In order to do so the phone company will contain a Collection of Connections, a Collection of Phones. Whenever a connection is requested an object of type Connection is created containing the caller and the callee. The communication between the two parties is established by passing messages to the phone company who will pass it on the corresponding Connection for handling. Charges for the call are based on the type of phones used and the number of messages sent to a Connection. A connection can be closed by either party after which the caller is informed of the cost of the call. Make sure that you provide means to track the connections and phone calls. Provide a program that demonstrates the full capabilities of your system.
20 years ago
by the way stan james check your private messages as i sent you something i would like you to please look at for me
20 years ago
well like i said before the data dictionary is not directly related to coding is more of a theoretical basis but if uve written programmes before chances is that you have written a data dictionary, ive found examples on the internet example of data dictionary if anyone has done this before i was wondering if i could get a few tips and pointers!
20 years ago
Hi i am not too sure this a java related thing but here it goes, has anyone ever written data dictionaries?!? if so can i get a few tips?!?
20 years ago