ram nagab

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here is my sequence

jsp -> action A -> action B

Within a sequence of Actions (with no intermediate user interaction), the
ActionForm is populated with the request parameters' values each time the
request is forwarded to the next Action. As a consequence, an Action B,
following an Action A, will not 'see' the ActionForm in the state Action A left it in, but instead get as the ActionForm's properties' values, the parameters' values provided with the HTTP request. (I.e. Action B 'sees' in the ActionForm what, e.g., the user entered, instead of what Action A already did with it.)

I made some changes on the form on action A but unfortunately action B can not see those changes . action B sees only the values entered in the JSP

I have no control under action B and I can not remove "name" property from the action definition in struts config because action B under another developer's control

is there any solution for my problem

17 years ago
As I know it should be "type" instead of "element"
Hi All

Do you have any explanation for why the Basic profile 1.0 mandated that the children of the <soap:fault> should be unqualified ?

[ November 17, 2005: Message edited by: ram nagab ]
Hi All

Do you have any idea when Sun will release a SCBCD for EJB 3.0 ?

Does MZ QUIZ has questions with answers OR just questions ?

Java is a small language with huge API but C++ is a big language with small API

really C++ is the right choice if we need to manage the memory but Java can not do that

Although that , comparing the two languages is not the right decision . Java and J2ee has been used for years in the web application , client server apps but C++ used for embedded , operating systems , game programming , financial , ....

Hi All

Is there any good exam simulator for the certification ? I need to work with a lot of questions before taking the exam

Hi All

Whiz labs recommending the following books as references for the exam .

1- J2EE Web Services (by Richard Monson-Haefel)
2- Designing Web Services with the J2EE(TM) 1.4 Platform: JAX-RPC, SOAP, and XML Technologies (by Inderjeet Singh et al)
3- Securing Web Services with WS-Security (by Jothy Rosenberg, David L. Remy)

Do I need the 3 books or just 1 or 2 of them ? Could you please give me some info if you read any of these books ?


is part 2 including any code OR it is just diagrams ? Could you please give me an idea about part 2 in SCEA

Hi all

is there any news about SCEA for j2ee 1.4 ? did Sun has any intention to release a new version of SCEA ?

yes , I defined the ref in the deployment descriptor
20 years ago
I am developing Message Driven Bean but every time I try to run the j2ee client app to test the MDB then I get a Naming exception becasue I can not look up jndi successfuly . I can see the jndi name in the jndi tree in the universal test client but whenever I use it on the client as "java:comp/env/jms/ConnectionFactory" then I get error message that "comp/env/jms/" does not exist in context java . I dumped my jndi tree but I found something like localhost/servers/localhost/nodes/server1/jms/ConnectionFactory . is there any way I can link localhost/servers/localhost/nodes/server1/jms/ConnectionFactory to "java:comp/env/jms/ConnectionFactory"

please help

20 years ago
hi all

in page 330 in head first servlet book . question number 6 . I think the correct answer is "D" , I checked the answers and I found that "E" is the correct answer

my opinion that choice "E" is not correct becasue isELIgnored attribute could work out even if <el-ignored> in not mentioned in the deployment descriptor .
is that right or I am mistaken ?

hi all

is there any article or documentation how we can install WAS version 5.x on HP unix environment ?

20 years ago