kiran kiran

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since Dec 04, 2003
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Recent posts by kiran kiran

I installed ireports 0.3.2 along with jasper reports 6.0, but I'm clueless on how to go further. Is there any documentation. I found documentation for old versions of ireports at, but its no use for this version. Any help is appreciated.
I'm trying to create a stateless session bean with Eclipse, but i do not see it generating ejbCreate method. I want to put some initialization steps in ejbCreate method. How do I do that?
Thanx for your reply. I want to use jasper reports with eclipse. any good plug-ins?
We are planning to use jasper reports, but want to know which designing tool is good for jasper reports? ireports or jasperassistant or something else.
i fiugured out the problem!!
How do I compile a java program using Eclipse? I thought it would compile automatically when I try to save it. But, it doesnt seems to do so. To test it, i removed a letter from the word "public" in a statement and tried to save it. It saved without any errors. i tried rebuilding project, didnt help. Whats wrong and where?
I want to know are there any books available on Jasper reports?
What are the advantages of using arraylist compared to vector?
20 years ago
Hello, I have an EJB client (sitting on iPlanet 4.0), calling EJB (on Weblogic 6.1). When i call my ejb client from command line, it takes more than 6-7 sec before I see the msg I'm spitting out from the client program (before it goes to the EJB to perform the operations). I guess this is the time taking to invoke JVM. I want to know how to reduce this time. If possible, can I use existing iPlanet JVM or not?
Please let me know. This would be a great help for me.
20 years ago
Nobody on this forum is capable of explaining this?
21 years ago
I want to know the internal process of running a java program from shell script. I want to run a java program (residing in iPlanet webserver) from the shell script. Will the shell script invoke a seperate JVM to run this java program? What happens internally? Anybody please explain.
21 years ago
Hello, I want to know the internal process of running a java program from shell script. I want to run a java program (residing in iPlanet webserver) from the shell script. Will the shell script invoke a seperate JVM to run this java program? What happens internally? Anybody please explain.
21 years ago