virendra balaut

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since Dec 04, 2003
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Originally posted by Christian Haag:
i'm trying to get a connection from WebSphere Studio Application Developer (on NT) to a DB2 V7.2 (on Linux) using the NET Driver. The jdbctest Program from the IBM Homepage is running successfully after I copied the from the Linux to the NT machine. But when I try to get the same connection with Studio I'm getting the error message:
IWAS0126E Problems encountered while trying to establish connection Con1. Reason: 'IWAS0223E The server at 'jdbc b2://' is not a 'DB2 UDB V7.2' database. Ensure the Database Vendor Type matches the version installed on the server and try again.'
The database in fact IS a DB2 UDB V7.2. So what can I do?

have u solved this problem i m havng same problem in window
21 years ago
i am working in IBM Application Developer v 4.0.3 and when i connect it with IBM DB2v7.1 it gives error
IWAS0126E Problem encounterd while trying to establish connection con1
Reason : IWAS0223E The server at jdbc b2:sample is not a 'DB2 UDB v7.1' database. Ensure the database vendor type currently specified for the connection matches the version installed on the server and try again
Plz help
21 years ago