Vernon Gibson

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since Dec 01, 2000
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Recent posts by Vernon Gibson

Hi Angela!
Crema seems like it will do the trick to protect byte code.
That's also nice marketing: The guy who sells Crema(the protector) also gives away Mocha (the disassembler)!!
23 years ago
Hi All,
Thanks for your replies.
In addition to the above, I've also found a site for someone who calls himself Java Jeff. He sells a piece of code that will disassemble a class file. I'm sure there are others.
So... even if I encrypt the strings, as Nate suggested, an attacker could easily disassemble the class file and discover the decryption algorythm, and thereby the secrets.
I guess the bottom line is that sensitive data should never be hard coded into a class file.
23 years ago
Thanks Dave!
That's a little too easy!!!
23 years ago
I would like to bury a secret in an applet, let's say it's a string of digits.
How difficult would it be for someone to disassemble the class file and divulge the secret?
23 years ago
Have you tried poking around in this site:
I would download Apache and take a look at the documentation. From there you can get a good idea of what's going on/what needs to happen.
Fear not!
Java is as dead as cobol. And here in NY cobol is anything but dead! As a matter of fact I've recently seen postings for Cobol, BAL, System 38, all supposedly dead technologies!!!
The folks who replied before me are correct: Recruiters only consider what's hot at the current moment, everything else in their minds is dead.
If you want a job, you'll keep looking, and eventually you'll find one.
23 years ago
We know that Class2, a thread started by Class1, has access to variables declared in Class1.
Now, if there are several instances of Class1 running on the same machine, can I be assured that a given Class2 will be referencing only the Class1 that started it?
Thanks for clearing that up Peter.
I'm going to implement this in a situation where the creating class will hold statistics that will be updated by each thread as it is created and destroyed (i.e. how many active threads).
Thanks again
Is it possible in Access to 'lock' records that are retrieved for update?
Letting the database handle the sequence of events might be the best way to go.
Let's assume that Class1 has the following declaration
>public String foo = new String();
...And that Class1 starts Class2 as a new Thread
>Class2 c2 = new Class2;
...Does Class2 have access to foo declared in Class1?? = "bar";
Hi all,
Thanks for your replies.
I am using a socket (result of ServerSocket.accept()).
Gautham & Maateen:
I have found through experamentation that the browser is sending multiple requests. The first is for the Html document. The subsequent requests are for the embedded document items (jpeg, etc.) This information is in the headers forwarded by the browser.
So the solution was:
1) open the socket
2) read the request
3) identify the resource requested
4) send the resource to the browser
5) close the socket
This logic is in a loop based off the ServerSocket.accept(), so each new request opens a new socket.
By the way RFC2616 says that in Http 1.1 protocol you should keep the socket open, but the ServerSocket.accept() method opens a new socket with each request, so I'm closing them when I process the request.
I'm opening a socket and sending web pages to a client.
When I send the Html only, the <BACKGROUND> tag is never expanded to display the GIF image.
It seems that I need to send the Images as well as the Html. I've tried using the 'HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content', in addition to sending both files concatenated as one big response.
Does anyone have an idea of how to get both parts to the browser at the same time?
I have created a java server application that opens a serverSocket and responds to requests from an applet running on a remote client. The client applet requests and then displays data from the server in an AWT frame.
When the applet sends a request I would like for the server to send an HTML document and have the client browser display it instead of the applet.
I need for this process to run independantly of any web server or servlet container.
I'm confused on how to achieve this. Could someone point me to a set of java classes that provide the functionality I would need to do send HTML pages?