I trying to invoke a web service published in the wsdk registry. What i did was -
I created a simple web service and deployed it in to the tomcat server. Then i published
the service to the wsdk uddi registry givin the overiew URL as well(
But while trying to invoke the service i get this error. Please help me to resolve this.
C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.4\webapps\kishani123>java DynamicInvoke
Retrieving document at 'http://localhost:8080/axis/services/CK?wsdl'.
WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: No WSDL interface definition found.:
at DynamicInvoke.parseWSDL(DynamicInvoke.java:195)
at DynamicInvoke.run(DynamicInvoke.java:59)
at DynamicInvoke.main(DynamicInvoke.java:52)
Please help me
Thanx in advance