gautham kasinath

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Recent posts by gautham kasinath

Hey Peer,
Thanks for the link. I did read the appendix section of JSR1.1. Though the same describes in clear detail how the ser/deser work in Aun App server context, the same does not give any clue to how I may override the ser/deser implemenation.
Am I missing something?

18 years ago
Hello all,

I was wondering if there is a way to implements and define custome serilizers/deserilizers for a web service on the Sun Application Server.

I have done the same for Tomcat w/ Axis 1.1, but I have been looking around for ser/deser on Sun Application Servers, in vain.

The dev guide (esp. the web service one) doesnt really talk about it. And the Sun App server doesnt seem to have the Axis engine, I guess they have a different WS engine (am I right?)

Can some one point me to some docs/resources to write custom ser/deser for Sun App server?

Thanks a bunch.

18 years ago
Okie! Will do!

Gautham Kasinath
19 years ago
Hey all moderators and sheriffs,

I was just thinking, why not include XACML into either the XML or the Security topics??
Also was thinking why not have a seperate topic for the same??

What say?

Gautham Kasinath
19 years ago

I was just wondering if there are developments going on with sources in Java for Open Document Format or Open Office??

I have been through the site, but there is no mention of the same.

19 years ago
Victoria Bitter - for a hard earned thirst
Thats Aussie for Beer..

19 years ago
Hey fellas,

I just started my Masters and am looking for a topic revolving around computer Security.

Can you help me brainstorm??

19 years ago

What I am trying to do is a very trivial task. I have to add the copy rights notice (GNU) that my company issues to all the Java sources that I have. I use the netBeans and I have spent a day and a half in trying to figure out HOW I can include the same into NetBeans, so that existing classes can have the copy right notice injected on the top and the new classes that I may create (right click -> Java Class) have the same.

Any clues?! Google failed, netbeans mail arhive failed in solving my problem..

Yuou know what??!! This reminds me of a joke I read long ago..
A woman was on a boat, just reading a book, in a placid late, in a warm summer afternoon..
A patrol boat comes along side and the cop shouts, "Aye there! I am placing you under arrest for fishing in a *no fishing pond*".
Woman, "Well, as you can see officer, I aint fishing."
Officer: "But you got all the apparatus, mate!! So come on over and tie your boat to starboard."
Woman thinks for a while and says, "in that case officer, I am charging you with RAPE."
The officer is taken aback.. "Aye, why would you do that, lady??!!"
Woman, "You got the apparatus".

- This is what comes to my mind looking at the posts about the British police able to take into custody persons that *they think* will commit a crime.. (Well, wasnt this the Tom cruise movie.. I forget the name, about??)

20 years ago
Well, one of my friends is planning a trip to Cairo, for the conference there.
And he asked me if I knew anything about the place, the people, culture, to do and not to dos etc..
Any pointers??


20 years ago
Well, Thanks for that link mate!
Am reading through that.

WSSE Spec, provides a facility to pass around the username and password, by having the wsse:Security/UsernameToken/Username and ..../Password.

Well, in most cases, one wouldnt want to send plain text password to a web service for authentication, since any thing like axis-tcpmon, can intercept messages over wire and print the same. Hence compromising in security.

XML Encryption helps in encrypting the SOAP body or a certain x-paths in the body; but is there a way to encrypt the header??
I wonder, I have googled for the same invain.

Well, then isnt it a good idea to have a mechanism to encrypt the soap header, or a certain X-PAth in the same??

what say??

20 years ago

Originally posted by Sal DiStefano:
Forget the platform and language wars, open your mind to some basic ideas of distributed application design and enjoy.

Well, try googling for Problems with Interop:

How I wish the world was as Ideal as we want it to be. Just when you think there is a concept that is truely independent of programming languages and enviroments, the problem rears its ugly head..

Anyway, aint there no one that can compare CORBA and Web Services??

20 years ago
Well, I agree with you mate!
The basis/backbone of Web Services is nothing but good old RPC, so one may call it an Old wine in a new Bottle. But the only difference is that we now have a GPS to find that bottle in the cellar (read as Discovery/UDDI)

There sure is a lot of stuff about interop between webservices, but then due to the lack of proper standards (IMHO), the interop is failing. For example, if one writes a Web service is .NET, with some complex datatype for request and response, then there is no guarentee that it WILL work for in tandem (IOP) with a client written for AXIS.

This is one issue that I have heard my team members face most times and Apache AXIS Users guide also recomends sticking to the BASIC datatypes defined in that doc than complex data types.

In all the heat for Web Services, there was a talk on JINI, but I sure would like to know what ever happened to CORBA??

- Lupo
20 years ago
Well, I see that the discussion is mostly on the comparison of Struts and JSF, for which Hans clearly mentioned the difference.
What I would like to know is how does JSF compare with Velocity.
I am relatively new to JSF and I understand it uses mostly a Command pattern, which is listener driven for Events generation and consumption.
The pattern interests me, but I would like to know how exactly it works??]

20 years ago
Hey! Thanks mike for the quick replies.
Well, unfortunately, they dont seem to quite address my problem at the moment.
I wonder if there is a dependency between commons-logging and SAX parser that is loaded by tomcat.
20 years ago