Tal Tal

Ranch Hand
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since Dec 10, 2003
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Recent posts by Tal Tal

what is the diference between & and && operators?
are they both represent the "and" operator, or is there a differnce between them?

18 years ago
is there a difrennce between the terms "multiThreading" and "multitasking"?
is there a diffrence between "JavaBeans" and "Enterprise JavaBeans" ?
i am the author of the B class, and that idea should work
20 years ago
suppose i have a class A
this class creates an instance of class B
class B is a Dialog which has a JButton.
i would like to listen for events occurs on that button and to "catch" them
from class A.
how can i do that?
20 years ago
can anyone help me with this? , it is really important
i want to make some of the nodes in a jtree as disabled and another part to set as enabled
how can i do that?
20 years ago
how can i disable only a certain treenode in a jtree?
i know that if i use setEnabled(false) on a jtree it would disable
the entire tree, but there's no such method to invoke on a treenode
20 years ago
how do i make a TreeNode in a jtree to extand ?
20 years ago
i would like to delete data which is inside an excel sheet, but
i found out that Microsofts Excel ODBC driver dosent support a DELETE query.
so i would like to delete the entire sheet and recreate it again so it would be blank,
any suggestions?
20 years ago
Fred, i think the jdk and the jre are the same thing, isnt it?
dirk, that is my real name
20 years ago
im runing an rmi program.
this program is runing on a server,
and is used by 300 client computers.
my question is, is there a way for the clients to use this program without jdk being installed on their system?

20 years ago
i dont see why that would solve my problem.
the reason the focusListener dont work on my code is because i use
updateUI() on the combobox when the focusGained method is triggered.
if i'll remove the updateUI() from the listener my code would work fine.
the problem is that i must have the updateUI() where it is now, how can that be done?

20 years ago
how is that the focus listener work only once.
if i use the following code, then when i click on the editable combobox for the first time it will detect the focusGained Event, and it will also detect the focusLost event when i set the combobox out of focus,
but when i click on the combobox for the second time it wont work anymore
why is that?

20 years ago
i didnt pass the parent Frame, that's why it didnt work
but now it does
thanks alot
20 years ago
my project's main window is a JFrame, through that window you can open other windows which are modalic JDialog's.
when i go to other apps while my project is runing, and then return to my project's main window(JFrame) through the tasks bar i wouldnt see the active window in my project which is the modalic JDialog, and so i would have to use ALT+TAB to find it,
my question is, how can i avoid it and set the JDialog's i open as always on top of the JFrame ?

20 years ago