Ryan Fernandes

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since Dec 11, 2003
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Recent posts by Ryan Fernandes

@Xin Qi:

Login to certmanager/sun.
Click the 'History' link on the left.
You should see something like this after you appeared for the third part:

(310-062r) Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 - Essay Exam - Taken

87% is a great score.
Caution: You'll feel guilty with the amount of fun you'll have working on Part 2&3.

Good luck.
Well, let me give you a couple of tips that might help you post entering the examination area.

1. Clear your mind. You might have studied and 'burned-in' quite a few things, including approaches to any questions you think they might ask on the test. Say something nice to the attendant, you will feel better.

2. Read ALL the questions first.

3. Use the scratchpad provided. Spend 4 minutes to jot down your points/strategy for each answer. Omit this step and you'll find that you are repeating yourself throughout the test.

4. Take 10-12 minutes per answer.

5. There is no 'paste'. At least not when I gave part 3. Right click->paste is disabled. You can't rearrange your sentences without retyping. Read point 3 again.

6. Once you are done, read through your answers carefully. Its old fashioned advice but grammatical errors and spelling mistakes do reduce credibility; Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

7. If you have time, read your answers again.

8. Thank your exam attendant, get home and submit Part 2.

Good luck.

talu singh wrote: Each item in the TOC has anchor tag that goes to the relevant section on the index.html file

What ever you choose to do (one html file with links to sections or with links to other files,) be sure to place a 'back' or 'index' link at the relevant place.

I'd prefer to point you to the Exam Objective that states:

Explain the benefits of the EJB 3 development model over previous EJB generations for ease of development including how the EJB container simplifies EJB development.

McCade's Study Guide is good, but you don't have to purchase it to understand what you need to study.

If you read the rest of the objectives under the "Section 4: Business Tier Technologies" heading, you'll realize that you don't need API knowledge , but you need to understand the concepts and applicability of the business tier technologies (EJB2.x, EJB3.x, JPA, Web services etc) clearly.
  • You need to give Part 3 first at a testing center. Make sure you get a copy of the Examination Score Report.

  • You then need to email your assignment to architect-submit_US@oracle.com

  • You WILL get an acknowledgement email in a minute or two. If you don't, something's not right.

  • After a couple of days, the fact that you took Part 3 has to appear in the certmanager's history page. If not, contact Prometric immediately. Sun will not grade your exam till Prometric uploads your essay answers. More help here

  • You will now have to wait for a while before Sun sends you an email stating that your assignment has been sent for grading.

  • You then wait [around 4 weeks] for an email from architect-submit_US@oracle.com with the subject line Sun Certification: Your assignment results

  • My email said

    Hi Ryan,
    Congratulations! You have passed the Sun Certified Java Architect for EE5 certification. ...

    Good luck.

    rana izzat wrote:... I am certified in SCEA 5.

    I am confused on how stateful and stateless bean behave under security context.

    They both behave the same.

    If user needs to be authenticated before they can use these method, do we need to change this to stateful session bean


    If user's information is also needed while creating bid, would it be better to change the bean to stateful session bean.

    Noope! Secure your bean (@RolesAllowed) and then use the getCallerPrincipal()/isCallerInRole() methods to get the userID/Roles and then retrieve whatever information you need about the user.

    Normally, controller does the authentication, and the security context is propagated to the ejb classes right

    Once you authenticate against the container (web/ejb) the security context is propogated to the ejb classes by the 'container'.

    a word to the wise: reading more about the different types of EJBs (and their applicability when solving a business problem) will hold you in good stead.

    Frank Bennett wrote:If you can't identify non-functional requirements and write about them as they relate to your application, you most likely are not prepared for this test. And most likely shouldn't be taking it. Oracle doesn't care, they are simply collecting your money.
    Aside, another illustration of why the SCEA certification is an industry joke...

    Spread the love mate... provide some suggestions useful to the OP

    ... and trust me you'll feel a whole lot better than flinging some flamebait in this forum
    If this isn't specified in your assignment it doesn't matter really. its what your tool will let you draw. Most tools support UML 2.0 anyways.
    Besides, I'm sure you aren't going to loose marks if you can depict your solution in uml 1.x notation clearly.
    Your assignment might require you to provide for some extensibility/manageability in the design. Look at your requirements carefully to see if this is hinted at/specified.

    what I meant is when you depict your servlet on the component diagram, you might draw it with a 'required interface' (half bubble).
    You can then draw a dependency arrow (from the above half bubble) to any component's 'provided interface' (full bubble). That component could be anything (pojo, web service, ejb etc).
    I hope I've clarified this for you.

    Good luck with your assignment.
    Like I said, either follow the instructions given or do as you please.. its up to you... and the kindness of the grader

    Do you have multiple class diagrams? Thats worth 40 marks too right?

    So, all my servlets that require a reference to an EJB a provider , have a 'required interface' for those EJB's that functionality

    whether that functionality is provided by your EJB or a POJO or a Web service is secondary.
    I guess they mention in the assignment that if you fail, they will let you know which sections need improvement. You should contact them and request for this information. It will be important.