(310-062r) Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 - Essay Exam - Taken
talu singh wrote: Each item in the TOC has anchor tag that goes to the relevant section on the index.html file
Explain the benefits of the EJB 3 development model over previous EJB generations for ease of development including how the EJB container simplifies EJB development.
Hi Ryan,
Congratulations! You have passed the Sun Certified Java Architect for EE5 certification. ...
rana izzat wrote:... I am certified in SCEA 5.
I am confused on how stateful and stateless bean behave under security context.
If user needs to be authenticated before they can use these method, do we need to change this to stateful session bean
If user's information is also needed while creating bid, would it be better to change the bean to stateful session bean.
Normally, controller does the authentication, and the security context is propagated to the ejb classes right
Frank Bennett wrote:If you can't identify non-functional requirements and write about them as they relate to your application, you most likely are not prepared for this test. And most likely shouldn't be taking it. Oracle doesn't care, they are simply collecting your money.
Aside, another illustration of why the SCEA certification is an industry joke...
So, all my servlets that require a reference to
an EJBa provider , have a 'required interface' forthose EJB'sthat functionality