Paul Keohan

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since Mar 15, 2000
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Recent posts by Paul Keohan

Has anyone any recommendation on how to be introduced to using Message Driven Beans? I have followed an IBM tutorial and although I got everything to work, I had no idea why or what I was doing.

I would like to try some practical examples and get a better feel for the everything.

20 years ago
I've been trying to learn how to use Message Driven Beans and a tutorial I followed gives me this error whenever I start the WS server.

[9/2/04 15:22:15:947 CDT] 4e24f041 FreePool E J2CA0046E: Method createManagedConnctionWithMCWrapper caught an exception during creation of the ManagedConnection for resource JMS$MyMDBConnectionFactory, throwing ResourceAllocationException. Original exception: javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapterInternalException: createQueueConnection failed

I've been surfing around looking for an answer but the only answers that come close seem to suggest that this problem is a UNIX thing. I'm not running on UNIX. Any suggestions?

20 years ago
Looking at the question from another angle:

See the sample code on this web page:

AF Pattern

Why not have the GUIFactory simply create the buttons depending on the OS type? - rather than creating factories (based on the OS type) to create the buttons? If it's simply a matter of readability, that's fine. But that doesn't explain the existence of the two patterns?
Me too. And I'm finding it difficult to string my misunderstanding into a logical sentence.

When I see UML diagrams for the AF pattern, they often (but not always) have more than one concrete factory and more than one concrete product class to illustrate that there can be more than one extending from the abstract super class (orimplementing their interfaces). When I look at the FM pattern in UML it seems to be the same except there's only one concrete factory and one concrete product. I assume there can be many different concrete products extending from the abstract product. I would also assume there can be many different concrete factories extending from the abstract factory. So what is the difference between AF and FM?

Why does the FM pattern bother to show the factory as an interface or abstract class? - and isn't this makint it an AF pattern?

I think I get the difference between these patterns. The difference in my mind is basically, the AF pattern is for when your client maye not even know the factory type. But the FM pattern implies one factory creating different objects.

What I don't get is why all the UML diagrams for the FM pattern show an abstract factory class - when we know what the factory is going to be.

Am I missing something?

Which is the more acceptable way of assigning a value :

OR :

The question is basicaly where should I be placing the "String" word. Assume that the while loop is actually looping through lines of text pr something.

20 years ago
But then it won't find the jar file in the include_files directory - unless it copies that over too.
20 years ago
Thanks Billybob. I didn't see any other process using it but when I restarted my machine it worked.
Another jar question :
I run this bat file on an XP machine.
del *.class
javac -classpath .;..\include_files\ *.java
del vjmonitor.jar
jar cvf vjmonitor.jar *.class
jar uvf vjmonitor.jar -c ../include_files *.gif
jar umvf manifest.txt vjmonitor.jar
del *.class
copy vjmonitor.jar ..\scripts\vjmonitor.jar
REM monitor

When it come across the highlighted line above, it says there's no such file or directory but proceeds to copy EVERYTHING in the include_files directory into my jar file anyway. There's even a db file copied which I can't find anywhere. Why is this? All I want is to copy in the gif files from another directory with the same parent.
20 years ago Error in writing existing jar file

What does this error mean? I have created a jar file and when I type :
jar uf vjmonitor.jar *.properties
I get this error. I was not getting it before and unless I'm losing my sight, I can't see what's different.
20 years ago
Are there any known problems with including manifest file information when jarring on XP using jdk version 1.3.1_07? It won't work for me. I get an IOException in jar.Attributes when I try to jar. Yet, the same script works on NT.
20 years ago
If I made objects called AgentGroupCenter, this particular problem would go away. I could have 63 objects as opposed to 6 AgentGroup objects and 9 center objects. I want to have the objects separated.
I suppose my question comes down to, how do I handle a piece of data that is dependent on both the Center and the Agent Group - if I have an object for each?
There has already been a suggestion for creating a third class, which sounds good, but I wanted to see if I could explain more clearly what I want.
Depending on which center the agents are in, their logging on/logging off times are different.
It seems as though the centers and the agent groups are logical object definitions - but I could be wrong. The centers store data such as which agent groups they have. The agent groups stor data such as what time they log on, which depends on the center. We also need to be able to look up how many agents in total are logged on at a center.
I would say its your third option - they need to know about each other. Another class to configure these sounds interesting. Is that the usual way forward?
I'll be more specific because the car/engine was just an example. I thought I could explain it better that way.
We have several call centers. Within each call center are several different types of agents depending on the langauge they speak. The customer calls a number and this decides which language the customer wants to connect to. Depending on which center has most agents available that speak that langauge, the call will be routed.
The agent groups need to have a connection to what centers they are in. But also, the centers need to know what agent groups they contain.
I'm getting confused about what I imagine is a fairly common situation. I have five types of car and three types of engine. I have five car objects which therefore contain one of the three engine objects each. A total of eight objects have been initialized.
What if a certain parameter changes depending on which car contains the engine? For example, if car A contains engine 1, engine 1 needs to be set to 50 revs. If it contains engine 2 it needs to be set to 130 revs etc. etc. The only option I can think of is, I need fifteen objects and the objects are denoted by car|engine. As mentioned I want five car objects and three engine objects and be able to manipulate them depending on what type they contain.
If this makes sense, can anyone please point me to a pattern that handles this kind of thing?