Anushe Khan

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since Dec 13, 2003
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Recent posts by Anushe Khan

Thanks Whizlabs & JavaRanch!

"MEAP E+P - If you are traditional and like paper, choose the MEAP E+P package, which includes individual PDF chapters and the complete ebook as above, plus a copy of the printed book, straight off the presses, shipped to you"
20 years ago

I am almost (75%) ready to take this Test,Iwas wondering if the simulator contains a short tutorial on Web Services (in a nutshell, related to the exam objectives)?
Secondly does it contain DnD questions?
What are the changes in Mustang(JDK 6.0)?

I also have a question regarding Autoboxing. It reduces the code but comes with a performance price. Dont you think that we should avoid using it.

Avoid doing it in a loop.
20 years ago

In Java 1.5 methods can'nt be called on primitive values that get autoboxed (In c# you can) Do you think this is a good design decision?

Thanks in advance.
20 years ago

I am new to testing and JUNIT, does your book require any understanding of JUNIT as a prerequisite to take full advantage of it? Is there a basic tutorial of JUNIT in your book to help people like me?

[ August 10, 2004: Message edited by: Anushe Khan ]
20 years ago
Hi All,

I am new to eclipse and I recently bought the "Java developers guide to eclipse" but this new book "Eclipse Live" covers the latest version of Eclipse. Should I return my book and get the latter? Helpful suggestions would be much appreciated.


Defintely not enough.

If you really need, I may try give you a help. Please send me a PM.


I would also appreciate your help.
[ May 24, 2004: Message edited by: Anushe Khan ]
Although your softwares are really good but I am not so sure about the prices (specially for 168 questions only).Given the current circumstances of our industry IMHO the price should be around $25. This would increase the affordability and accessibility of your products.
How can we digitally sign parts of an XML document(In conjunction with selective encryption)?
Thanks in advance.
20 years ago
Thanks Marco.
20 years ago