Baba Bizlowsky

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Recent posts by Baba Bizlowsky


I'm trying to get a String value from my Javascript form and place it in a session attribute, so I can later get it via JSP code.

I tried this: I created a hidden form field in my form called "mainForm", in my JSP page called "mainPage.jsp":

then I placed a button later on:

Btw, the form has a bunch of events which make sure that the variable called "myString" is filled up appropriately. I checked this with an alert button and myString is definitely set correctly.

I then created a function which cunningly submitted a form to the same page, which was supposed to place this string in a request parameter supposedly allowing my JSP code to grab it and place it in a session attribute:

This function reloads all the frames, and I was hoping another frame could know freely access myString and use it in its own JSP code. Unfortunately this session attribute never gets set to anything other then null.

What am I doing wrong? And is there a more elegant solution to this trivial issue?

Thanks in advance. Cheers!

13 years ago
Apologies if this issue was solved before, I just couldn't find the thread.

Anyway, I am trying to display rows from Oracle 10g database on my JSP page ran via Tomcat. However, characters š,č,ć,đ and ž show up as "?"s.

I tried fetching the same rows from a regular Java class and writing them in a file via PrintWriter, and it works ok. Or at least it prints them up as special characters, I have to set up the charset to UTF-16 if I want to get the ones I need. But ultimately I end up with a text file with all the characters I need.

However when I want to display the same rows via JSP, all the special characters are simply question marks. Regular HTML that includes those special characters displays them fine, so it's not an issue of correct META tag.

Any advice would be very much appreciated, since my app is currently pretty much unpresentable, and my deadlines are so damn near...

Thanks in advance. Cheers!

Edit: response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8"); did the trick. Thanks!
13 years ago

Can anyone tell me where do you put the xsl file and how do you reference it?

I'm using NetBeans and its integrated support for BPEL via JBI and Glassfish Server. However, I cannot seem to figure out the doXSLTransform function. The part of process looks like this:

I've put the stylesheet.xsl in the root directory of the process, together with the .bpel and .wsdl files. However I keep getting the "URI is not absolute" error.

So.. help?

14 years ago

My problem probably has a simple solution, but it is still driving me crazy. I'll be very helpful if someone can offer me assistance.

I'm trying to slightly expand the sample Synchronous BPEL Process from Netbeans with one more partner Web Service. I have made a separate Web Application project, chose Glassfish server, developed a simple Web Service (takes string as input and sends it back as output). It builds fine and tests fine.

Then I simply dragged and dropped the WSDL of my service in Netbeans BPEL designer, threw in Invoke operation, made correct variables, everything by the book. BPEL process simply gets a Sting from a client, forwards it to the Web Service, gets string back and forwards it to the client.

It's all simple and straightforward however when I try to test it the Invoke operation throws a HTTP 404 error. Why? The Web Service is deployed on the very same server the BPEL process resides, everything looks kosher and still I cannot find why this doesn't work.

Any helpful idea will be very welcome. Thanks in advance.
14 years ago

I have problems with orchestrating a WS-BPEL process that uses a document-literal Web service as a partnerlink. I use NetBeans 6.5 IDE.

I have created a simple Web application with one document-literal type Web Service together with an appropriate schema. I used that LoanService.XSD available in the Sun One tutorial. The service simply takes a Loan Request and replies with an approval. This deploys fine and works with a simple client.

Then I tried creating a WS-BPEL process which uses that service. To start simple, the BPEL process simply acts as a proxy - it "forwards" the Loan request from the client to the service and then forwards the approval back to the client. To get the Web Service partner link, I simply dragged-and-dropped the appropriate Web Service to the right part of the BPEL design screen. I used this technique with RPC Web Service before and it works fine. BPEL designer automatically created a partnerlink and its schema in the "Partners" directory.

The Process builds fine. I created a CompositeApp in which I put a JBI Module - the jar of the process. Composite App builds fine, too. But when I want to deploy, the weirdest thing happens:

How come it cannot compile XSD? What kind of an error is that?

I'm completely baffled about this mistake and have no clue what to do. Can someone help me, please?

Thanks in advance.

15 years ago

Especially on the answer of the original question which I edited out because I didn't think anyone would bother analyzing actual code.

I''l check out this Jamon.

How do you "print out" on the screen the contents of the Prepared Statement?

Thanks in advance. Cheers!

I want to do something really simple. On page1.html I have a form with a textfield where the user has to enter a date. On page2.html, called after the user clicked the submit button on the previous page, I have a Javabean with a date field I want to fill with the information entered by the user.

Interestingly enough, I cannot seem to do it - whatever I do, I get null after I fill the field.

Can someone please give me the code example how to do this simple thing?

15 years ago
Hi y'all.

I'm learning JDO through the use of Roos's wonderful free book, Eclipse, JPOX, and Oracle 10g database.

However I am facing a couple of pretty misterious mistakes. First of all, the execution of a client program (who uses enhanced objects either to simply create a new one or get an Extent) is horribly, horribly slow - even inserting one row to a one column table takes about a minute, or more.

But this is not the worst thing - once I started experimenting with Collections and subclasses, the execution started to take 5 minutes and then comes up this error:

What am I doing wrong? Can someone please tell me?

Thanks in advance.

I have a problem which most probably has a trivial solution, but is bugging me completely.

Let's say I have the following simple XML document:

Now I build a DOM representation, and it works fine. I collect the name of the person like this:

and it works like a charm. Now, using the same idea, I want to get the street and city name. My idea was simple:

but it didn't work - it defaults to null. I then tried a multitude of combinations but I simply cannot enter this element - everything is either null or #text, but this text I cannot see or retrieve.

What am I doing wrong? It's driving me crazy!
I am aware of Oracle BPEL, but it seems to me like an overkill for such a simple task.

I guess the problem is I'd like this whole thing packaged in a neat Web application. Now, I know how to write a Java class which checks periodically a directory, but how do you do it so it becomes a service on the server?
16 years ago
I'm not sure this is the right forum for this topic, but since I'm not sure where it really belongs to I'll stick with this one.

I am building an application where a Web Service accepts an XML file and stores it in a specific folder. Another service occasionally checks the folder and if it find files in there, it processes them.

Now the XML accepting Web Service is easy, and it does the job. But I'm not really sure what exact technologies should I use for the service which checks the directory... it sounds easy, SHOULD be easy, but I'm hitting a wall here.

Can someone please point me in the right direction? I'm trying to keep things as simple and effective as possible.

Thanks. Cheers!
16 years ago

Is there a quick way to invalidate a bean? I understand that <jsp:setProperty> tag leaves everything as it were if I send in the null-values. But what if I want to erase the data from the bean (e.g. when the user is signing out)? Is invalidating the session the only way?

Thanks in advance. Cheers!
18 years ago
Hiya all.

I have recently switched from hard coding to JDeveloper IDE. I really love the tool but now I'm stick on a simplest thing.

I've been doing lots of basic and form-based authentication on Tomcat 5.5 and pure Java programming - no problem. But now I try to implement it in JDeveloper and - nothing. I do everything by the book, and the login screen just doesn't let go.

The steps I took are the same as this guy wrote here:

But for the life of me I cannot implement it.

Help, please?

I am making a web-shopesque application in JSF. I was getting along quite good but now I've hit a wall and don't know how to proceed.

What I want is this: I want to show a list of products on the page. For this I have created a CatalogBean which has a List of ProductBeans (ProductBeans having been loaded from the database and containing all the neccessary info about the product - name, link to the gif, price, etc.)

The page should render the list of products in rows separated by a horizontal line. Every product is represented like this:

PICTURE ................. Description
.............................. Price
.............................. Command Link (add to Cart)


The problem is I don't even know where to start. I know how to use a DataTable but only to show the info in rows, like this:

PICTURE Description Price Add to Cart

But that's not what I want.

Can somebody please give me a few pointers how to get the former rendition? I would be extremely grateful.

Thanks in advance and cheers!
[ October 27, 2005: Message edited by: Baba Bizlowsky ]
18 years ago