Originally posted by Purvesh Vora:
There is one exception question from Dan Chisholm.
class ColorException extends Exception {}
class WhiteException extends ColorException {}
class White {
void m1() throws ColorException {throw new ColorException();}
void m2() throws WhiteException {throw new WhiteException();}
public static void main (String[] args) {
White white = new White();
int a,b,d,f; a = b = d = f = 0;
try {white.m1(); a++;} catch (WhiteException e) {b++;}
try {white.m2(); d++;} catch (WhiteException e) {f++;}
What is the result of attempting to compile and run the program?
a. Prints: 0,1,0,0
b. Prints: 1,1,0,1
c. Prints: 0,1,0,1
d. Prints: 0,1,1,1
e. Prints: 1,1,1,1
f. Compile-time error
g. Run-time error
h. None of the above
The answer is f.
Can anybody plese explain the same.
Thanks & Regards,
Purvesh Vora
IBM Test 486(OOAD With UML)