Cosmina Stefanache

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January 8, 2007 Stand By Soft, Ltd. just released JDatePicker 4.3, a suite of professional date components for Swing. An important feature of this version is the support for JBuilder's dbSwing data binding framework. We now provide support for three major data binding frameworks: JGoodies, Oracle's JClient and JBuilder's dbSwing.

Here is a list with all the important changes:

� Added support for the JBuilder's dbSwing data binding framework.
� Improved the date editor to support month names too.
� JDatePicker is created faster (comparable to JComboBox).
� The JDatePicker calendar can now be configured using a Popup object.
� The JDatePicker class has fewer methods (reduced from 29 to 7).
� Other improvements and bug fixes.

This year, JDatePicker has been nominated for JDJ Readers Choice Award in the Best Java Component category. If you are a fan, please consider voting for as at

For additional information or trial version, please visit .

Best regards,
The JDatePicker Team
18 years ago
May 1, 2006 Stand By Soft, Ltd. released JDatePicker 4.2, a suite of professional date components for Swing. An important change in this version is the renaming of the product from Java Date Picker to JDatePicker to comply with Sun's trademark guidelines.

Here is a list with all the important changes:

* Added support for the Oracle ADF JClient data binding framework.
* Improved the loading time for JDatePicker, JMonthView and JMonth with over 40%.
* Dates can be arranged horizontally or vertically.
* The components are now localized for: Danish, Dutch, English, Finish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish and Swedish.
* Refactored date format methods.
* Other improvements and bug fixes.

For additional information or trial version, please visit .

Best regards,
The JDatePicker Team
18 years ago
October 19, 2005 Stand By Soft, Ltd. just released Java Date Picker 4.1, a suite of professional date components for Swing. This new version makes the product even more stable by providing many bug fixes, small features and improvements. Almost all the changes come from users' feedback.

Here is a list with all the important changes:

* Added support for ISO week numbers.
* Added support for one letter week day names.
* Added support for time zone.
* Improved the selection model to send notifications on invalid date selections.
* Added new properties for JDatePicker and JMonthView.
* Fixed popup display on multi-monitor systems.
* Other bug fixes and many other improvements.

This year, Java Date Picker has been nominated for JDJ Readers Choice Award in the Best Java Component category. If you are a fan, please consider voting for us at Thank you!

For additional information or trial version, please visit .

Best regards,
The Java Date Picker Team
19 years ago
On April 7, 2005 Stand By Soft, Ltd. just released Java Date Picker 4.0, a suite of professional date components for Swing. The major improvement of this new version is the possibility to select weeks and days of week. A week can be selected by clicking on its number and a day of week by clicking on its label (Tue for Tuesday, for instance).

The major improvement of this new version is the possibility to select weeks and days of week. A week can be selected by clicking on its number and a day of week by clicking on its label (Tue for Tuesday, for instance).

Here is a list with all the important changes:

* Added support for week selection and day of week selection.
* Added support for multiple date selection with simple mouse clicks (no CTRL+click required).
* Added JGoodies Plastic LF integration.
* Improved documentation for the client properties used by the components.
* Improved usability for the demo application and tutorial.
* Fixed today date synchronization at midnight.
* Other bug fixes.

This year, Java Date Picker has been nominated for JDJ Readers Choice Award in the Best Java Component category. If you are a fan, please consider voting for us at Thank you!

For additional information or trial version, please visit

Best regards,
The Java Date Picker Team
19 years ago
October 12, 2004 Stand By Soft, Ltd. just released Java Date Picker 3.2, a suite of professional date components for Swing. The new version brings a new UI delegate API which lets you customize easily the look and feel of the Java Date Picker components.

The dates available for selection can be restricted according to a specified pattern. Users can also do single or multiple date selection. So far, the available components are a one month calendar, a date time field and an editable date picker.

The components can be internationalized, have support for mouse and keyboard and they can be used with any look and feel (Metal, Motif, Windows, Aqua and custom ones).

This version adds new features and fixes bugs at customers' request:

* Improved the UI delegate API. UI delegates can help you refine the way components look and behave.
* The calendar notifies double-click events.
* Improved JDateEditComponent API with new methods (commitEdit, isEditValid, invalidEdit).
* New autoCenturyYear property.
* Added Norwegian and Swedish localizations for the calendar.
* Bug fixes.

For additional information or trial version, please visit
Best regards, The Java Date Picker Team.
20 years ago
August 30, 2004 Stand By Soft, Ltd. just released Java Date Picker 3.1, a suite of professional date components for Swing. In the new version, the tutorial groups together all product information (changes, installation notes, etc) to make it more accessible.

The dates available for selection can be restricted according to a specified pattern. Users can also do single or multiple date selection. So far, the available components are a one month calendar, a date time field and an editable date picker.

The components can be internationalized, have support for mouse and keyboard and they can be used with any look and feel (Metal, Motif, Windows, Aqua and custom ones).

This version adds new features and fixes bugs at customers' request:

* Improved the tutorial to be the main source of information about Java Date Picker.
* Improved the date selection API. Added setSelectedDates to JMonth and setSelectedDate to JDateComponent.
* Added calendar grid customization and status bar visibility control.
* Improved JMonthView to fill all the space when resized.
* Restructured the demo application. It is explained entirely by the tutorial.
* Bug fixes.

For additional information or trial version, please visit
20 years ago
June 21, 2004

Stand By Soft, Ltd. just released Java Date Picker 3.0, a suite of powerful date components for Swing. This is the first major version since initial release. It adds a new component, JDateField and defines the framework for future date components.

The dates available for selection can be restricted according to a specified pattern. Users can also do single or multiple date selection. So far, the available components are a one month calendar, a date field and an editable date picker.

The components can be internationalized, have support for mouse and keyboard and they can be used with any look and feel (Metal, Motif, Windows, Aqua and custom ones).

The highlights of this release are:

� New JDateField component.
� JDateField can use date parsers to convert shortcut strings like "today" into dates.
� JDateField includes properties like autoValidate, autoRestore, beepOnError and autoCentury.
� JDateField can set or get the value of a date field at any time.
� Rethought the Javadoc to be a self-contained document for the Java Date Picker API.
� Improved the tutorial to be a light introduction to the API.

For additional information or trial version, please visit
20 years ago
May 03, 2004
Stand By Soft, Ltd. just released Java Date Picker 2.4, a suite of Microsoft like Swing components capable of powerful date selection operations.
The dates available for selection can be restricted according to a specified pattern. Users can also do single or multiple date selection. So far, the available components are a one month calendar and an editable date picker.
The components can be internationalized, have support for mouse and keyboard and they can be used with any look and feel (Metal, Motif, Windows, Aqua and custom ones).
This version brings important changes over the previous ones by adding null dates support and a new (redesigned) date editor. Some other enhancements have been made to make the components even more usable and customizable.
* Null dates (empty selection) support.
* The date editor has been redesigned to allow easier date input.
* The calendar's appearance can be customized with a custom renderer.
* The texts for the today and none buttons can be customized using a properties file.
* Custom actions can be registered on the components to make them even more customizable.
For additional information or trial version, please visit
20 years ago
April 15, 2004
Stand By Soft, Ltd. just released Java Date Picker 2.3.1, a suite of Microsoft like Swing components capable of powerful date selection operations.
The dates available for selection can be restricted according to a specified pattern. Users can also do single or multiple date selection. So far, the available components are a one month calendar and an editable date picker.
The components can be internationalized, have support for mouse and keyboard and they can be used with any look and feel (Metal, Motif, Windows, Aqua and custom ones).
This new version fixes a few bugs, the most important ones being focus related.
� All components get the focus correctly.
� Look and feel is changed correctly for the table cell editor.
For additional information or trial version, please visit
20 years ago
Stand By Soft, Ltd. just released Java Date Picker 2.3, a suite of Microsoft like Swing components capable of powerful date selection operations.
The dates available for selection can be restricted according to a specified pattern. Users can also do single or multiple date selection. So far, the available components are a one month calendar and an editable date picker.
The components can be internationalized, have support for mouse and keyboard and they can be used with any look and feel (Metal, Motif, Windows, Aqua and custom ones).
This new version features an improved date time editor and better look and feel support.
� Date editor has been extended to also support time editing.
� The components can be used with any look and feel (Metal, Motif, Windows, Aqua and custom ones).
� Dates can be displayed and edited using custom date formats.
For additional information or trial version, please visit
20 years ago
Stand By Soft, Ltd. just released Java Date Picker 2.2, a suite of Microsoft like Swing components capable of powerful date selection operations.
The dates available for selection can be restricted according to a specified pattern. Users can also do single or multiple date selection. So far, the available components are a one month calendar and an editable date picker. The components can be internationalized and have support for mouse and keyboard.
This new version features an improved date selection mechanism and a new tutorial with detailed examples.
* Improved date selection mechanism to support minimum and maximum allowed dates.
* Improved date picker built-in editor. It acts like a masked edit control where each field of the date can be edited.
* Improved date picker to support calendar customization.
* New tutorial with detailed examples.
For additional information or the free version, please visit
20 years ago
Java Date Picker v2.1.0 Released
Starting with this release, a free, fully functional version that can be used in non-commercial applications will be available. The only difference between this version and the commercial one is a small text, displayed on the MonthView component, saying
Java Date Picker is a Swing component that displays date information and acts as an interface through which users can modify date information. Some of its key features are:

* Resembles to the Microsoft Date Picker that is used in Outlook or MS-Access thus keeping the same feeling for users when moving to Java applications
* Built like any other standard Swing component with data and selection models thus enabling the developers to have greater control over it
* Supports internationalization in order to be used for various languages and regions
* Can restrict dates to keep users from making mistakes
* It comes with a month viewer to make it easy for users to view and set date information via a calendar-like interface
* Has simple customisation (colors, font) for a pleasant user experience
* We offer free email support for three months to help you get the most out of the product
* We offer free major upgrades for three months in order to keep you up with the latest version
Download the free version from
21 years ago
First of all, THANK YOU very much for your nice words. We are commited to creating the best SWING date picker on the market. Our developers have 3+ years of SWING experience.
The Java Date Picker Demo shows all the functions of the product without ANY limitation. For any suggestions, please contact us at [email protected].
Best wishes,
JavaDatePicker Team
21 years ago
Java Date Picker is a Swing component that displays date information and acts as an interface through which users can modify date information. Some of its key features are:

* Resembles to the Microsoft Date Picker that is used in Outlook or MS-Access thus keeping the same feeling for users when moving to Java applications
* Built like any other standard Swing component with data and selection models thus enabling the developers to have greater control over it
* Supports internationalization in order to be used for various languages and regions
* Can restrict dates to keep users from making mistakes
* It comes with a month viewer to make it easy for users to view and set date information via a calendar-like interface
* Has simple customisation (colors, font) for a pleasant user experience
* We offer free email support for three months to help you get the most out of the product
* We offer free major upgrades for three months in order to keep you up with the latest version
To understand why it is the best date picker on the market, we have prepared a fully functional evaluation package. It can be downloaded for free from
JavaDatePicker Team
21 years ago