October 12, 2004 Stand By Soft, Ltd. just released Java Date Picker 3.2, a suite of professional date components for Swing. The new version brings a new UI delegate API which lets you customize easily the look and feel of the Java Date Picker components.
The dates available for selection can be restricted according to a specified pattern. Users can also do single or multiple date selection. So far, the available components are a one month calendar, a date time field and an editable date picker.
The components can be internationalized, have support for mouse and keyboard and they can be used with any look and feel (Metal, Motif, Windows, Aqua and custom ones).
This version adds new features and fixes bugs at customers' request:
* Improved the UI delegate API. UI delegates can help you refine the way components look and behave.
* The calendar notifies double-click events.
* Improved JDateEditComponent API with new methods (commitEdit, isEditValid, invalidEdit).
* New autoCenturyYear property.
* Added Norwegian and Swedish localizations for the calendar.
* Bug fixes.
For additional information or trial version, please visit
http://www.javadatepicker.com. Best regards, The Java Date Picker Team.