Rashmi Banthia

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since Dec 22, 2003
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Recent posts by Rashmi Banthia


I am trying to find part time MS computer science program in US. Preferably NOT online and in Atlanta, GA area.

Any help - highly appreciated. Thanks a lot.

17 years ago

Check this(Vegetarian):

You can also check books by Tarla Dalal.

19 years ago
Because there are more than a billion Indians and you would find them everywhere. :-)

19 years ago
I have lived in Mumbai for more than 15 yrs. I never thought Mumbai could be flooded this bad. My dad is still at work for last 2 days. My sister walked from Andheri to Borvali- took about 20 hrs - waiting a temple and a friend's relatives place, walking for 5hrs. Many of my friends/relatives still @ work. I hope things get better asap.

19 years ago

AFAIK, the advantages of using web services are : interoperable, easy integration and reuse, text based protocols and data formats - SOAP,WSDL,XML.

Also, I read this article: http://www.theserverside.net/articles/showarticle.tss?id=Top5WSMistakes
I completely agree with everything this article says. Is there anyone (or anylink) which proves otherwise? I have read quite a few times about using web services as data access layer, but somehow I don't understand why ?

If I have to design a web based application, accessible only in an intranet environment. Is it a good idea to use web services as data access layer ? For example: for a customer data entry screen - I'll have web services like : getCustomerbyIDWS(), IsCustomerUniqueWS(), AddCustomerWS(), UpdateCustomerWS() etc. It just sounds to me like an overhead to use web services. Appreciate your responses.

Thanks in advance,
Best Regards,
19 years ago
Something - easy to understand by others.
19 years ago

I am looking for opportunities in Atlanta area (with H1B sponsorship). I have about 5 yrs of software development experience in various technologies. My resume can be found at www.geocities.com/b_rashmi
Here's brief summary:

- Masters in Computer Application
- IBM Certified - XML and Related Technologies (2004)
- Sun Certified Business Component Developer for the Java 2 Platform - EJB Certification (2004)
- Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform 1.4 (2004)

Recent Experience:
- At present, developing VB.NET desktop application.

- Contributed significantly to open source projects :-
(1) http://sourceforge.net/projects/pocolap/
(2) http://xmlbeans.apache.org/
(3) http://sourceforge.net/projects/jvending/
(4) http://sourceforge.net/projects/mmssuite/
Tools/Technologies used: Java 1.4, J2EE 1.4, Java Servlets, JSP, iText, Mysql 4.0, Oracle 9i, Hibernate
2.1, Log4j 1.2, Ant 1.6, XML, XMLBeans, JAXB, Apache Axis 1.2, SOAP, Tomcat 5.0, CVS,

- Worked on development of a Custom deal capture, logistics, back office
and risk management system (GasTracs).
Tools/Technologies used: PowerBuilder 8.0, Sybase 12.5, Sybase 11.92, Sun Solaris Unix 2.8, Java 1.3,
J2EE, Java Servlets, JBoss.

Hope to hear from you!

Thank you
[email protected]
19 years ago
I have worked for a Propane dealer. The software I worked on took care of their business of purchasing,selling, storing of propane and other Natural Gas Products. The software also included logistics, accounting and trading activities. There were bunch of other applications like - another accounting app, IVR, some interfaces to third party software etc.

19 years ago
SFSB vs SLSB : Stateful session beans and stateless session beans.
SFSB should be used when we want to maintain the session states - a typical example shopping cart - Maintaining the contents (or the state) of shopping cart while navigating through different pages of the website.

Stateless - when you don't want to maintain the state while navigating through the web site.
I don't know what difference does it make calling a session bean from Palmtop/PDA or a webpage.

Hope this helps.
19 years ago
I think it is more important to have better communication skills than techinal skills. So, yes communication skills are very important for any job - onsite/offsite.
19 years ago
Here's one experience - I'll never forget :
I got a job last year after going through 3 interviews (2 in person + 1 tech phone screening) . I must mention that I did not lie on my resume, so ofcourse I was as confident as I could be during the interview.
During the interview we talked about technical stuff and talked about other things also - from olympics to Do we own a house in Atlanta ?

Now the surprise: a call from HR, to decide the date when I could join and informed me that they'll send the offer letter. At that moment they realized they couldn't sponsor my visa (H1B). This is not something I was hiding during the first 3 interviews. Before going for 1st in person interview - I did inform HR and they said come on over. I did talk about it during the interview too.
OfCourse I can't work in US without the Visa - so the conclusion is I still don't have job. What do I call this - unlucky ??

Before I vent further, I am looking for paid OR non-paid (volunteer work till I land a paid work) work in Atlanta, GA. My resume is available here . Any help appreciated.

Thanks a lot for your responses,
19 years ago

He lies to you. You lie to him. Why do you want to scare ? This is the rule of business world. It cannot be solved by JAVA. Just my 2 cent.

Well, This is pretty interesting - Does s/he really lies to me ?

Thank you all for your responses!
19 years ago
What do you guys think about lying on Resume - lies like - changing VisualBasic to PowerBuilder and vice versa. Lying about your experience 5yrs instead of actual 4 years.

The reason I ask is I am looking for a job and during my job hunt period I have been approached by recruiters who ask me modify my resume according to requirement. Like 5 yrs of consistent Java experience OR VB/PB experience.
I am not comfortable doing it - the fact that I'll be sitting across a table in front of a Hiring Manager and LYING scares me terribly.

Is it just me trying to be ultra-honest and the result is no job ?

I would appreciate your opinions.


19 years ago
I figured this out. This is what my log4j looks like:

This gives logger messages once on Tomcat and twice on JBoss console. Because JBoss already has a ConsoleAppender configured. I'll live with this for now. (Also no more manual configuring ConsoleAppender in the code)

Thank you very much for your reply. It worked as expected. I am configuring ConsoleAppender manually and not in properties file, because JBoss already has ConsoleAppender configured. So it conflicts and I get an error 'Console Stream is looping'.
If you have any better suggestion to make ConsoleAppender work on JBoss as well as Tomcat. Please let me know.

Thanks once again,