Edward Chen

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since Dec 23, 2003
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Jeanne Boyarsky wrote:What type is holding the number? String? int? double?

And if a String, is there anything other than digits in the string? (like letters, dashes, spaces, etc).

The answer of how to go about it depends on the answer to these questions so please do reply.

the type is Long
11 years ago
In the java, how to remove digits of number in an efficient way ? for example, I have 13 digits number, I want to remove the first 3 digits, how to do it ? what is the best practice ?

11 years ago
I have successfully submitted my assignment at Nov. 22, then I went to PearsonVue to register 1Z0-866, it gave me error I didn't finish 1Z0-865. Then the game started, I contacted Oracle Support, submitted ticket, Oracle said I am good, I should go to PearsonVue. I called PearsonVue several times and created incident ticket, PearsonVue still said I didn't finish 1Z0-865. So far this issue didn't resolve yet.

Did you have same experience with Oracle and PearsonVue ? After submitted my assignment, I need to do something else ? PearsonVue customer support is not professional at all.

do you mean 1Z0-866 is for the assignment essay exam ?

In my memory, SCEA has three parts, p1 is the multiple choice online exam, p2 is the assignment (project+essay test), p3 is the online courses. I need to pay another 245 for essay test ?

I have paid $245 for assignment. After I upload the assignment, I need to arrange an essay test. do I need to pay another $245 for the essay test ? if no, how to go to Pearson to register essay test ?

Do we need to put justification of my design into Assumption section ? or I should make statements in the Essay exam ?

In the performance analysis, we don't know how many users will have, what is the peak time, it just mention that 5 seconds response time. how can we know the design ? for example, do we need cluster, how much CPU / memory .

it is possible, for example, cache manager in DAO class.
Singleton approach can cache data, one object across system, easy to use. the bad part is the testing. but singleton is good enough for Service Locator pattern.
In the Part 2 exam, where to put my design consideration ? for example, I want to explain why I want to use service locator pattern, I should put it into Sequence Diagram part , Assumption part or the other place ?

In the JSF, I want to use service locator pattern, then I have two choices, one is use singleton + synchronizedMap, another choice is to inject a service locator instance in the DAO class . these two choices , what is pros and cons ?

In the Part 2 exam, if I have multiple buttons on one JSF page, do I need to provide separate sequence diagrams for each of them ?

In the Value List Handler pattern, could you place valueListHandler into Servlet session ? if yes, which layer ? in the controller class ?

in the SCEA Part 2, do we have rights to change the use case specification and flow ? I read the description over and over again, still doesn't make sense to me, can I change the use case and specification and flow ? certainly I will make clarification in the assumption.

Second question:
in the class diagram, what level of details we should provide ? I should define each attribut, methods ? by default, the class diagram Oracle gave to us doesn't include any attributes and methods.
